
Disgust: How Our Senses Shape Our Deepest Reactions

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In “Psychology Behind the Headlines,” host Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Dr. Kristen Gurdak discuss the connection between disgust and our senses. Researchers have found that smells, tastes, and even touch can trigger powerful feelings of revulsion.

Disgust and Memory

Our senses, especially smell, are deeply tied to memory. That’s why a particular smell or taste can instantly transport us back to a negative experience.

The Power of the Senses

Smells, tastes, and touch are identified as the most potent triggers of disgust. This makes sense from an evolutionary perspective – these senses help us assess potential dangers.

Sensitivity Spectrum

We all react to sensory input differently. Some people are highly sensitive to specific sensations, which may lead to stronger feelings of disgust.

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