Author: Editorial Team

  • Kelly Clarkson Opens Up About Her Weight Loss Journey

    Kelly Clarkson Opens Up About Her Weight Loss Journey

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest MHTN Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dan Bober discuss Kelly Clarkson’s recent weight loss journey and the controversy surrounding her use of prescription medication. Kelly Clarkson’s Weight Loss Journey Clarkson has been open about her struggles with weight loss and has been criticized by…

  • Birth Trauma: The Unseen Struggle of Thousands of Women

    Birth Trauma: The Unseen Struggle of Thousands of Women

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Jude Black discuss the alarming rates of birth trauma and PTSD among new mothers. Birth Trauma’s Prevalence The alarming number of women experiencing birth trauma and PTSD highlights the need for better care. Fear and Uncertainty The emotional rollercoaster of childbirth can…

  • Breathe, Stretch, Gratitude: Goldie Hawn’s Simple Yet Powerful Morning Routine

    Breathe, Stretch, Gratitude: Goldie Hawn’s Simple Yet Powerful Morning Routine

    Even Hollywood icon Goldie Hawn recognizes the power of a mindful morning routine. In this episode of “Psychology Behind the Headlines,” hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Dr. Jude Black take a look at the science behind Hawn’s wellness rituals. Deep Breathing Activating the body and brain for a productive day. Stretching Improving flexibility…

  • Elderly Healthcare: Overcoming Ageism & Advocating for Respectful Care

    Elderly Healthcare: Overcoming Ageism & Advocating for Respectful Care

    On ‘What’s Trending,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Jude Black addresses the issue of ageism in healthcare and how it affects the elderly. Ageism in Healthcare Recognize the common ways elderly patients are overlooked or mistreated due to age-based assumptions. Advocating for Respectful Care Empower yourself or your loved one to speak…

  • Are You Your Own Worst Critic?

    Are You Your Own Worst Critic?

    On ‘Whats Trending,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Yehudah Alcabes discuss the impact of self-talk on mental health. Identifying Negative Self-Talk Recognize harsh inner voices and differentiate them from constructive self-awareness. Cultivating Self-Compassion Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend. Shifting Your Mindset Change your internal dialogue…

  • Self-Harm: Understanding the Silent Cry for Help

    Self-Harm: Understanding the Silent Cry for Help

    On ‘What’s Trendind,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Dan Bober discuss how self-harm is a complex issue often misunderstood as attention-seeking. Understanding the Root Cause Self-harm is often a coping mechanism for overwhelming emotions, not attention-seeking behavior. Supporting Loved Ones Open communication and non-judgmental support are crucial when helping someone who self-harms.…

  • Self-Harm in Teens: Insights and Coping Strategies

    Self-Harm in Teens: Insights and Coping Strategies

    On ‘What’s Trending,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Jude Black discuss how to support young people struggling with self-harm. Building Trust and Validation Establishing a safe space for open communication is essential to helping teens struggling with self-harm. Emotional Regulation Teaching teens to identify and manage their emotions through healthy coping mechanisms…

  • Convenient Virtual Healthcare: Anytime, Anywhere Access

    Convenient Virtual Healthcare: Anytime, Anywhere Access

    On ‘Wellness Toolbox’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest benefit strategist Joshua Desha discuss Revive Health, a virtual healthcare subscription revolutionizing employee benefits. Convenient Virtual Healthcare Revive Health is a virtual healthcare subscription offering convenient access to doctors and therapists, with up to 12 appointments annually. Cost-Effective Employee Benefits It saves businesses money by…

  • Rabbi Gaines’ 4 Pillars for Well-being

    Rabbi Gaines’ 4 Pillars for Well-being

    Host Jessica Reyes is joined by guest Rabbi Gaines, who shares his top tip for maintaining mental health: balance. Four Pillars of Well-being Discover the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual components that contribute to a healthy mind. Practical Tips for Balance Learn specific actions you can take to nurture each aspect of your well-being. A…

  • Harnessing Mindfulness

    Harnessing Mindfulness

    Host Patricia Wu is joined by guest psychotherapist Eryl McCaffrey, who shares her number one strategy for maintaining mental well-being: incorporating a mindfulness practice into your daily routine. Mindfulness for Mental Well-being Discover how practicing mindfulness can enhance your emotional health and overall well-being. Practical Mindfulness Techniques Explore simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your…