Category: Health

  • Embracing Gratitude to Thrive with MS: A Leader’s Journey

    Embracing Gratitude to Thrive with MS: A Leader’s Journey

    On “Mental Breakthroughs,’ host Patricia Wu is joined by guest Robert Sieger, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 1998, has turned his experience into a mission to help others. He shares how his diagnosis has shaped his life, communication, and leadership style. The Power of a Positive Attitude Sieger emphasizes the importance of a positive…

  • Aging Gracefully: Shifting Your Mindset for a Positive Experience

    Aging Gracefully: Shifting Your Mindset for a Positive Experience

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes , Patricia Wu, and guest Wellness & Stress Management Educator Jackie DeLise  challenges us to rethink our perceptions of growing old and offers practical strategies for embracing this natural process with grace and positivity. The Power of Words Words have a profound impact on our well-being. Learn…

  • Is Your BMI Telling the Whole Truth? Examining Weight and Health

    Is Your BMI Telling the Whole Truth? Examining Weight and Health

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Dr. Mohan Sekeram, GP Principal at Wideway Medical Practice in Merton and RCGP Regional Clinical Lead, discuss new research suggesting that BMI may not be the most accurate indicator of obesity, especially for middle-aged individuals. BMI is a starting point It’s a helpful initial…

  • “How Big is Your But?”: Tackling Self-Doubt and Fear with Renee Brent

    “How Big is Your But?”: Tackling Self-Doubt and Fear with Renee Brent

    Do you ever find yourself saying, “I want to ______, BUT…”? On ‘Page Inspiration,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest hypnotherapist Rene Brent offers guidance on how to conquer those pesky “buts” that hold us back from living our best lives. Fear is the root of most “buts” Recognize and address the fears that…

  • Meditation Made Easy: How to Find the Perfect App for Your Needs

    Meditation Made Easy: How to Find the Perfect App for Your Needs

    On ‘Wellness Tool Box’ hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wis joined by guest hypnotherapist Renee Brent, who shares practical tips for incorporating meditation into your daily life. Don’t Overthink It Meditation is about finding a method that resonates with you, not about achieving perfection. Start Small Begin with short meditation sessions and gradually increase the…

  • 5 Brain-Boosting Superfoods to Fight Brain Fog

    5 Brain-Boosting Superfoods to Fight Brain Fog

    On ‘Ingredients for Life’, host Patricia Wu is joined by guest functional nutritionist Jayne Williams, who shares five delicious foods that can help fight brain fog and boost cognitive function: Leafy Greens Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support memory and cognitive function. Fatty Fish Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for…

  • Transforming Anger: 3 Key Lessons From Buddha’s Wisdom

    Transforming Anger: 3 Key Lessons From Buddha’s Wisdom

    On ‘Behind the Quote’, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest hypnotherapist Rene Brent, offers insights into the destructive nature of anger and how to break free from its grasp, inspired by Buddha’s quote, “Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” Anger Harms the Holder Anger is…

  • The Art of Living: Picasso’s Wisdom on Finding and Sharing Your Gifts

    The Art of Living: Picasso’s Wisdom on Finding and Sharing Your Gifts

    Pablo Picasso suggests that life’s true essence lies not just in self-discovery, but also in sharing one’s unique talents and abilities with the world. Unearthing Your Unique Gifts Picasso emphasizes the importance of self-discovery, encouraging us to explore our passions and talents to find what makes us truly unique. This could be a creative skill,…

  • Your True Calling: A Buddhist Perspective

    Buddha encapsulates the essence of a fulfilling life: discovering your true purpose and devoting yourself wholeheartedly to it. The Quest for Purpose Life’s ultimate journey is not merely about existence, but about uncovering the unique reason you are here. This purpose is not something imposed from the outside, but a calling that emerges from within.…

  • Finding Purpose: Helen Keller’s Timeless Wisdom for a Fulfilling Life

    Finding Purpose: Helen Keller’s Timeless Wisdom for a Fulfilling Life

    Helen Keller shares a truth about happiness. Keller’s words invite us to re-evaluate our pursuit of joy, suggesting a path that goes beyond immediate pleasure and embraces a deeper sense of meaning. Self-Gratification is Fleeting While indulging in self-gratification might provide temporary pleasure, it ultimately falls short of delivering lasting happiness. Keller’s quote suggests that…