Category: Food

  • 5 Brain-Boosting Superfoods to Fight Brain Fog

    5 Brain-Boosting Superfoods to Fight Brain Fog

    On ‘Ingredients for Life’, host Patricia Wu is joined by guest functional nutritionist Jayne Williams, who shares five delicious foods that can help fight brain fog and boost cognitive function: Leafy Greens Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support memory and cognitive function. Fatty Fish Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for…

  • Intuitive Eating: A Path to a Healthier Relationship with Food

    Intuitive Eating: A Path to a Healthier Relationship with Food

    On ‘Mental Breakthroughs’, host Patricia Wu and guest registered dietitian Lindsay Plesckot introduces us to the empowering concept of intuitive eating. Reject the Diet Mentality Understand why diets often fail and how intuitive eating offers a sustainable alternative. Reconnect with Your Body Learn to trust your body’s internal signals of hunger, fullness, and satisfaction. Prioritize…

  • Obsessed with Food and Weight: How Do I Find Balance?

    Obsessed with Food and Weight: How Do I Find Balance?

    Feeling trapped in a cycle of calorie counting and food anxiety? On “Life Quakes”, hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dietitian Lindsay Pleskot shares advice and compassionate support for anyone whose relationship with food has become an unhealthy obsession. The Problem with Diet Culture Discover how external rules and restrictions can damage our relationship…

  • Guilt-Free Mother’s Day: Healthy Dessert Ideas for the Whole Family

    Guilt-Free Mother’s Day: Healthy Dessert Ideas for the Whole Family

    This Mother’s Day, ditch the sugary treats and surprise Mom with healthy, delicious desserts! Host Patricia Wu and guest functional nutritionist Jayne Williams shares three simple recipes packed with protein, vitamins, and flavor. Cashew Cream Recipe: Vegan Protein Chocolate Mouse Recipe: Almond Pistachio Cake Recipe

  • Overcoming Disordered Eating: What Are the First Steps to Healthy Habits?

    Overcoming Disordered Eating: What Are the First Steps to Healthy Habits?

    On ‘Life Quakes,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest functional nutritionist Jayne Williams offers advice to a viewer struggling with rediscovering healthy eating habits and finding joy in food again. Professional Support Seek guidance from a specialist in eating disorders to create a personalized recovery plan. Gradual Progress Take it slow and steady, building one…

  • Beat the Midday Slump: Eating for Energy and Focus

    Beat the Midday Slump: Eating for Energy and Focus

    On ‘What’s Trending,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes and guest functional dietician Tara Durden discuss how nutrition fuels our brains. Why Nutrition Gets Overlooked at Work Busy schedules often lead to skipping meals or snacking on unhealthy options, impacting energy levels and mental focus. Breakfast: The Productivity Fuel Starting your day with a balanced breakfast…

  • New Study Links Depression and Anorexia with Gut Imbalance

    New Study Links Depression and Anorexia with Gut Imbalance

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines”, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest functional dietician Tara Durden discuss a new study that suggests a link between gut bacteria and mental health conditions like depression and anorexia. The Gut-Brain Connection Our gut health and mental health are closely intertwined. Having a healthy balance of gut bacteria is…

  • Ultra-Processed Foods: The Dangers and How to Find Balance

    Ultra-Processed Foods: The Dangers and How to Find Balance

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest functional dietician Tara Durden discuss the health risks associated with ultra-processed foods. What Are Ultra-Processed Foods? These foods often contain ingredients you can’t readily find at the grocery store, such as high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils. Think fast food, sodas, and…

  • Feeling Down? The Food You Eat Might Be Why – and How to Fix It

    Feeling Down? The Food You Eat Might Be Why – and How to Fix It

    On “Mental Breakthroughs”, host Jessica Reyes and guest functional nutrition specialist Tara Durden discuss the connection between our diet and our mental health. Gut Health Matters A healthy gut promotes healthy brain function. Nourishing your gut with beneficial foods supports your mental health. Balanced Meals are Key Ensure each meal includes protein, carbs, and healthy…

  • Red Wine Might Be Healthier Than Beer, Study Suggests

    Red Wine Might Be Healthier Than Beer, Study Suggests

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss that beer and spirits are linked to higher levels of unhealthy fat, while red wine drinkers might actually experience some health benefits. Your Body, Your Response Everyone metabolizes alcohol differently. Factors like body composition play a role in how much…