Dive Into the Jay Shetty Scandal with Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu

Join our host, Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu, as they dives into the Jay Shetty controversy with expert psychiatrist Dr. Dan Bober. Discover how to discern authenticity with these three key takeaways:

Question the Source

Just as the allegations question Shetty’s true past, learn to investigate the origins of the self-help content you consume.

Spot the Signs of Plagiarism

Understand how to identify original thought versus repackaged wisdom. We’ll show you quick tips to spot the difference.

Reflect on Your Inner Peace Journey

Are the paths promised by influencers leading you to true inner peace? We provide you with simple guidance to evaluate the advice you follow.

Equip yourself with the knowledge to navigate through the self-help maze with clarity and skepticism.


3 responses to “Dive Into the Jay Shetty Scandal with Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu”

  1. Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.

    1. Ollie Garcia Avatar
      Ollie Garcia

      Thank you. What is your question?

  2. Jessica/Patricia/Dan, as authors ourselves, something good we took from James Frey’s partially fabricated life story A Million Little Pieces was the necessity to be as accurate as possible in our own writing/speaking/presenting. We try to convey to the audience that we are not, in fact, professional or credentialed counselors, just two people who know what works to create happy, fulfilling relationships. Good segment, keep ’em coming!

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