Does Music or a Movie Scene Give You Goosebumps?

Have you ever felt chills listening to music, watching a movie, or admiring a piece of art? In this “Psychology Behind the Headlines” segment, hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest MHTN Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dan Bober discuss about a new study exploring those “aesthetic chills.” Researchers found that whether it’s music, art, or any form that stirs the soul, certain people are more likely to get those goosebump moments.

The Power of Art

The study confirms that art – in its many forms – can cause a physical reaction. Those shivers or goosebumps, called “aesthetic chills,” are a sign of deep emotional connection.

Not Everyone Responds the Same

Just because a song is a hit doesn’t mean everyone will feel it the same way. Our backgrounds, age, and unique experiences shape how likely we are to experience those aesthetic chills.

Mental Health Potential

While research is ongoing, scientists think understanding these chills could lead to personalized ways to spark joy and help those struggling with depression.


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