Ex Says I’m the Father, and I’m Freaking Out. What Should I Do?

This viewer got hit with some unexpected news – his ex says she’s pregnant, and he might be the dad! He’s feeling overwhelmed, unprepared to be a father, and he’s not even sure the baby is his. On ‘Life Quakes,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant gives advice about dealing with the emotional shock and taking the right steps – both practical and personal.

Breathe and Stay Grounded

Big news like this is a shock. Take a moment to calm your mind and focus on the reality of the situation.

Empathy Goes a Long Way

Show empathy and respect towards the woman involved, regardless of your past relationship.

Paternity and Planning

First things first, find out if you are the father. After that, there’s time to plan – if the baby is yours, or even if it isn’t.


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