From Rock Bottom to Ultramarathon: Todd Arkyn’s Story

On ‘Mental Breakthroughs,’ host Patricia Wu is joined by guest Todd Arkyn discuss who after a difficult childhood and a decades-long struggle with schizophrenia, PTSD, and anxiety, he found hope and healing in an unexpected place: running.

Never Give Up

Todd’s story shows the power of perseverance. Even after hitting rock bottom, he found the strength to change his life for the better.

The Power of Exercise

Running helped Todd manage his mental health symptoms in ways that medication alone could not.

Support Matters

Todd credits his wife’s encouragement, highlighting the importance of having people who believe in you.


One response to “From Rock Bottom to Ultramarathon: Todd Arkyn’s Story”

  1. Incredible story of human resilience, thank you Todd for being brave enough to share this amazing story.

    Byron Edgington

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