Happiness as a Choice: Aristotle’s Wisdom

Aristotle, a renowned Greek philosopher, once said: “Whatever creates or increases happiness or some part of happiness, we ought to do.” This quote encourages us to prioritize activities and choices that bring us joy and fulfillment. But what exactly does it mean to cultivate happiness?

Happiness is a Choice

We can’t control everything that happens in life, but we can control our focus and how we react to situations. By deliberately choosing activities and mindsets that promote happiness, we can increase our overall well-being.

Focus on the Positive

Happiness isn’t just about avoiding negativity. It’s also about cultivating a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the good things in life. Savor positive experiences, express thanks to others, and focus on the aspects of your life that bring you joy.

Small Steps Lead to Big Results

You don’t need to make drastic changes to be happier. Start by incorporating small habits and activities that bring you joy into your daily routine. Over time, these small changes can add up to a significant boost in your overall happiness.


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