HBO’s Euphoria Depiction of Addiction: Harmful or Helpful?

HBO’s hit show Euphoria tackles tough subjects like addiction, depression, and the pressure to fit in. On “TV Head Drama”, hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss the impact of shows like this.

Teen Mental Health: It’s Time to Talk About It

Shows like Euphoria bring the realities of teen struggles into the open. Teenagers face immense pressure, and seeing those challenges portrayed on-screen can make them feel less alone.

Potential Risks and Benefits of Gritty Content

While Euphoria aims for realism, there’s concern it could glamorize risky behaviors. Parents need to be aware of this and ready to talk about what their teens are seeing.

Using TV to Spark Dialogue

Instead of banning shows like Euphoria, parents can use them as a springboard for important conversations with their teens. Open communication and honesty are key.


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