Healing with EMDR: Reprocessing Trauma for a Brighter Future

Trauma can happen to anyone, from major life events to smaller, everyday experiences. Hosts Patricia Wu and guest  EMDR and brainspotting psychotherapist Janet Bayramyan discuss how trauma impacts us and the importance of acknowledging our pain as the first step towards healing. Janet explains specialized therapies like EMDR and brainspotting, which help process trauma and release its hold on our bodies and minds.

Trauma Comes in Many Forms

Trauma isn’t always about huge events like war or assault. Divorces, breakups, and other painful life experiences can also be deeply traumatic.

Beyond Talk Therapy: EMDR and Brainspotting

Traditional talk therapy offers insights but might not fully resolve trauma. EMDR and brainspotting work deeper, targeting the subconscious and nervous system where trauma is stored.

Family, Culture, and Healing

Supportive families make trauma recovery easier. Lack of family support or cultural stigma around mental health can create barriers to seeking help. Reaching out for professional support is essential, regardless of your background.


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