I Lost My Sister and Became a Mom Overnight. What Do I Do?

Losing a loved one is devastating, but it can also bring major life changes you never expected. On “Life Quakes”, a woman shares her story of becoming her teenage niece’s legal guardian after her sister’s sudden death. Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest art therapist Jacqueline Jones offers advice on how to best support both herself and her grieving niece.

Don’t Neglect Self-Care

Becoming a sudden caregiver is tough. Make sure to find ways to support your own emotional well-being, even if it’s just finding a bit of time for yourself each day.

Create Rituals of Remembrance

Find ways to honor your sister’s memory with your niece. This helps keep her spirit alive and gives your niece a safe space to express her feelings.

Therapy Can Help

Grief is a complex journey. Therapists can help both you and your niece process the loss and find healthy ways to cope with the changes in your lives.


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