Is Screen Time Reshaping Our Children’s Future?

A recent study shakes up the screen time debate, highlighting its potential impact on our babies’ brain development, particularly on emotional management and social skills. Here’s what every parent should consider:

Balance is Key

Counteract screen time with engaging activities like reading to your child, which can promote healthy development.

Embrace Interactive Play

Prioritize playtime and interactions over digital media to support your child’s social and emotional learning.

Cuddles Over Clicks

Never underestimate the power of physical affection — playtime and cuddles are crucial for your child’s well-being. Let’s ensure our little ones’ tech use is balanced with nurturing, learning, and love. Are you giving your child the right mix?


2 responses to “Is Screen Time Reshaping Our Children’s Future?”

  1. This show is the most amazing thing I have ever seen! Better than public access TV!!

    1. Ollie Garcia Avatar
      Ollie Garcia

      So excited to hear ! Keep enjoying the content.

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