Managing Money in Retirement: Is It Straining Your Relationship?

In this heartfelt segment, our hosts, Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu, explores the financial tensions in retirement with expert advice, Liana Ross. Learn to balance money and love with our three quick tips:

Financial Planning

Encourage open conversations with your partner about money management. This might include setting up regular ‘finance dates’ to review your budget, discussing the lifestyle you both aspire to maintain, and making adjustments to ensure you’re on the same page. It’s also a good idea to revisit your retirement plan periodically to reflect any life changes or shifts in the economy.

Do Not Neglect Good Times

Find a middle ground where saving and spending for joy coexist comfortably. It’s about creating a budget that allows for occasional splurges without derailing your financial security. Consider it an investment in your happiness and well-being, which is just as important as your financial health.

Seek Help When Needed

It’s about creating a budget that allows for occasional splurges without derailing your financial security. Consider it an investment in your happiness and well-being, which is just as important as your financial health. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength and proactive planning, not a weakness.

Tune in with us to stop stressing about financials and start enjoying time with your partner!


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