My Reputation Is Ruined After an Offensive Joke. How Do I Recover?

On ‘Life Quakes’, a viewer shares their experience with a joke that went viral…and completely backfired. Host Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest therapist Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant offers advice on damage control, handling online attacks, and rebuilding a reputation after a massive social media blunder.

Take a Break From Social Media

Step away from the negativity to focus on your well-being. Connect with supportive friends and family offline.

Own Your Mistake (If It’s Genuine)

If your joke was truly offensive, a sincere apology can go a long way. Own the mistake but resist further online engagement.

Remember, This Too Shall Pass

While it feels devastating in the moment, online “cancel culture” often has a short attention span. Focus on self-care and positive actions moving forward.


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