My Secret Eating Disorder is Tearing Me Apart. How Do I Tell My Family?

In “Life Quakes”, a young woman reveals her hidden battle with an eating disorder. She worries about the impact revealing her secret will have on her family. Host Patricia Wu and guest therapist Ellen Coghlan offers support and guidance, emphasizing the importance of self-care and seeking professional help.

Don’t Suffer Alone

Eating disorders can be deeply isolating. This woman’s courage in even considering speaking up is a huge step.

Your Family Wants to Help

While the fear of burdening loved ones is understandable, families want to be there for us through the hard times.

Professional Help is Key

Eating disorders are complex, affecting both mind and body. Therapists and dietitians can work as a team to guide someone towards lasting recovery.

What advice would you have for this young woman? Her fear is completely natural, but recovery begins when we find the strength to ask for support. Share your thoughts below!


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