My Wife Has Bipolar Disorder…How Can I Help Her AND Myself?

Today’s “Life Quakes” with hosts Patricia Wu and Jessica Reyes hits close to home. A viewer is struggling to support his wife, who has bipolar disorder. He loves her deeply, but the highs and lows are taking a toll on him and their family. Dr. Cortina Peters, guest licensed therapist, shares how he can support his wife while also caring for himself.

Safe Words

Come up with words or phrases you can both use to signal when she’s entering a manic or depressive phase. These can help avoid misunderstandings and arguments.

Focus on Your Normal

Don’t compare your relationship to others. Focus on what works for you and figure out your own rhythm.

Support System

Bipolar disorder affects the whole family. Find a support group for partners to get advice and feel less alone.

We need your help! If you or someone you love experiences bipolar disorder, share your advice for this viewer in the comments.


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