New Study: Depression Raises Death Risk in Breast Cancer Patients

On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ a new study reveals a shocking truth: breast cancer patients with depression face a significantly higher risk of death. Hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Joann ‘JoJo; Venant discuss about these findings.

Mind-Body Connection is Real

Our mental state profoundly affects our physical health, including how we respond to illness and treatment. Depression can weaken the immune system and make it harder to fight disease.

We Need Better Screening

Doctors often focus on physical symptoms. We need improved mental health questionnaires and conversations, not just a quick checklist, to ensure patients get the full support they need.

Depression is Treatable

If you’re struggling with depression while battling breast cancer, there’s help. Therapy, medication, and support groups offer tools to improve your mood and outlook, which can positively impact your recovery.


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