Pet Loss Grief: Should Workplaces Offer Bereavement Leave?

On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant discuss the growing trend of pet bereavement leave in the workplace.

Pets are Family

For many people, especially those without children, pets are cherished family members. Underestimating the grief their loss can cause is unfair and insensitive.

Grief & Mental Health

Grief is a natural part of the healing process after losing a loved one, including a pet. Employers should recognize the impact pet loss can have on an employee’s mental well-being.

How to Approach Your Employer

If your workplace doesn’t have a bereavement policy for pets, you might focus on needing time for your own mental health. If you feel comfortable, you can also directly state that you’ve lost a pet and require time to grieve.


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