Skin Color Shouldn’t Affect Pain: Breaking Racial Bias in Child Care

Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest therapist Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant discuss on the study from the University of Denver, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, revealing racial bias in how children’s pain is perceived.

The Prevalence of Racial Bias

The study highlights the need for critical examination of the care provided to children, revealing deep-seated racial biases in the perception of pain.

The Importance of Professional Insight

Insights from JoJo emphasize the impact of these biases on children and call for an immediate reevaluation of how care is administered.

A Call to Action for Equity

There is a need for societal change, advocating for awareness, education, and the dismantling of biases to ensure equitable treatment for all children.


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