

17-Year-Old Earns Doctorate Degree: A Testament to Curiosity and Passion

On 'Psychology Behind the Headlines,' hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest founder of CYA consulting Dan Goodwin celebrate the incredible achievement of Dorothy Gene...

Down Syndrome Doesn’t Define Her: Kayla Kosmalski’s Remarkable Achievements

On 'Psychology Behind the Headlines,' hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu and guest life coach with a master’s of counseling Alisa Harp discuss how Kayla...

I’m Feeling Like a Fraud in a Leadership Role – How Do I Cope?

Since a viewers recent promotion, she has been battling imposter syndrome. Despite a track record of success, she doubts her abilities and constantly fears...

Find Purpose, Find Happiness: Insights from Victor Frankl

Can focusing on something bigger than ourselves actually make us happier? On “Behind the Qoute” hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest therapist Ryan...

Advocating for Change But Feel Like You Are Not Making A Difference?

Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest lawyer and life coach Javoyne Hicks discuss the challenges and triumphs of advocating for mental health awareness. Focusing...

Embracing Self-Acceptance: The Wisdom of Haemin Sunim

In a world that often demands more, Haemin Sunim's words offer a moment of reflection on the beauty of sufficiency and self-acceptance. The Value of...

Feeling Stuck in the Same Old Routine?

Join hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Dan Bober as they delve into the power of making small changes to break the...