Tag: Anger

  • Brain Breakdown: Basal Ganglia

    Brain Breakdown: Basal Ganglia

    The basal ganglia are a group of structures located deep within the brain that play an important role in motor control and the regulation of certain cognitive and emotional processes. The main structures of the basal ganglia include the caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra. The basal ganglia work in conjunction with other…

  • Emotion Check: How Do I Release Resentment?

    Emotion Check: How Do I Release Resentment?

    Releasing resentment involves acknowledging and processing your emotions, and choosing to let go of negative feelings towards someone or something. Here are some steps that may help: Remember, releasing resentment is a process that may take time. It’s important to be patient and gentle with yourself as you work through your feelings.

  • Cults in the United States

    Cults in the United States

    Cults in the United States: A Hidden Menace In recent years, the rise of cults operating in the United States has become a growing concern for many families and communities. Despite their seemingly secretive and insular nature, these dangerous groups have a far-reaching impact on those who fall under their spell and on society at…

  • The Baker Act: Mental Health Weapon or Community Service?

    The Baker Act: Mental Health Weapon or Community Service?

    The Baker Act is a Florida law that governs the involuntary examination of individuals with mental illness. The Baker Act has played a significant role in transforming the mental health landscape in Florida and has helped many individuals receive the treatment they need. The law, also known as the Florida Mental Health Act, was enacted…