Tag: Behaviors

  • Overcome Burnout and People-Pleasing: Insights from Counselor Jahmaal Marshall

    Overcome Burnout and People-Pleasing: Insights from Counselor Jahmaal Marshall

    On ‘Mental Breakthroughs,’ host Patricia Wu and guest, counselor and founder of Listen then Speak, Jahmaal Marshall discuss the root causes of burnout and people-pleasing Explore Your Past Understanding your childhood and earlier life experiences can shed light on why you struggle with burnout or people-pleasing. Focus on Transformation True change comes from addressing the…

  • Are You a People-Pleaser? How Saying “No” Can Set You Free

    Are You a People-Pleaser? How Saying “No” Can Set You Free

    On ‘Mental Breakthrough’, host Jessica Reyes and guest life coach with a master’s of counseling Alisa Harp discuss what it means to be a people-pleaser, the downsides of this behavior, and how to break free of the habit. Understand your motivation Are you saying “yes” because you genuinely want to, or because you fear disappointing others? It’s…

  • Game of Thrones: Tyrion’s Struggle & the Power of Humor

    Game of Thrones: Tyrion’s Struggle & the Power of Humor

    Game of Thrones offers a complex character study in Tyrion Lannister, whose sharp wit masks a deep struggle for acceptance. On ‘TV Head Drama,’ host Patricia Wu and guest Dr. Cortina Peters analyzes Tyrion’s experience with ostracism and how it shaped his character. The Impact of Rejection Dr. Cortina Peters explores how Tyrion’s dwarfism leads…

  • Breaking the People-Pleasing Cycle and Learn How to Say No

    Breaking the People-Pleasing Cycle and Learn How to Say No

    Do you often say ‘yes’ when you mean ‘no’? On “Mental Breakthroughs”, host Patricia Wu and guest licensed marriage and family therapist Anna Aslanian discuss why we fall into this pattern and offers practical steps to break free. People-Pleasing is Learned Anna explains that this behavior often stems from childhood experiences where we learned to…

  • Try a Little Tenderness

    Try a Little Tenderness

    This piece, like many others before it, began with a long, contemplative stare at an empty page. It can be tough to know where to begin. The very fact that I’m writing in the first place indicates that I probably need to work through something. That’s usually the way it goes; whether I’m frustrated, or…

  • Why the Last Stretch of a Wait Feels the Longest: Impatience Explained

    Why the Last Stretch of a Wait Feels the Longest: Impatience Explained

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines,” hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Ryan Heapy discuss a why impatience grows as we get closer to a goal or event. The thrill of anticipation Positive events can fuel impatience too! Our desire for a good outcome can make the final stretch of waiting difficult. Closure is…

  • Fear as Pleasure: Understanding Thrill-Seeking vs. Psychopathy

    Fear as Pleasure: Understanding Thrill-Seeking vs. Psychopathy

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines,” hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Ryan Heapy discuss a study that suggests a link between psychopathic traits and enjoying scary or thrilling experiences. What is psychopathy? Psychopathy is a personality disorder marked by lack of empathy, impulsivity, and a disregard for social norms. Fear and thrill-seeking The…

  • Are You a Target? Recognizing Bullying

    Are You a Target? Recognizing Bullying

    Bullying isn’t just a childhood problem. In”Mental Breakthroughs,” host Patricia Wu and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss why people bully, the impacts of bullying, and offers strategies for empowering both kids and adults to stand up to this harmful behavior. The Many Faces of Bullying Bullying can be driven by modeling negative behavior, past trauma,…

  • Recognizing and Healing from Narcissistic Parental Abuse

    Recognizing and Healing from Narcissistic Parental Abuse

    Narcissistic abuse can be difficult to recognize, especially when the abuser is your parent. On “Mental Breakthroughs” host Jessica Reyes and guest therapist Yolanda Cortez discuss the signs of narcissistic abuse from a parent and offers guidance for healing. Understanding Parental Narcissism Yolanda outlines the “DIMMER” acronym for identifying signs of narcissism, including dismissiveness, invalidation,…

  • Improve Your Life with Reflective Practice

    Improve Your Life with Reflective Practice

    On “Mental Breakthroughs,” host Jessica Reyes and guest psychologist Dr. Woody Woodward discuss reflective practice and how this process helps us grow personally and professionally. What is Reflective Practice?  It’s the process of examining your experiences to identify areas for growth and improvement. Why Reflect?  Reflective practice empowers us to learn, adjust our behavior, and…