Tag: Care

  • Are You Harnessing the Power of Digital Coaching for Personal Growth?

    Are You Harnessing the Power of Digital Coaching for Personal Growth?

    Join Patricia Wu as she sits down with Dr. Woody Woodward, a pioneer in the digital coaching sphere, to discuss his new book, ‘The Digital Coaching Revolution.’ Here’s what you’ll learn: The Digital Shift Dr. Woodward describes how digital coaching can be a democratizing force, making personal development accessible beyond corporate walls. Finding the Right…

  • Molindone


    Molindone is a medication that is used in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders. It is a type of antipsychotic drug, which works by changing the chemical balance in the brain and reducing the symptoms of mental illness. Molindone was first approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1965, and…

  • Rob Thomas’s Journey from Addiction to Recovery

    Rob Thomas’s Journey from Addiction to Recovery

    Rob Thomas, the dynamic frontman of Matchbox Twenty, is a powerhouse of musical talent. Behind the vibrant energy and soulful voice lies a story of personal struggle – a battle with addiction that he ultimately overcame. The Spiral Begins In a revealing 2005 interview with Rolling Stone, Thomas alluded to his struggles: “I drink too…

  • Breaking the Stigma of Seeking Therapy

    Breaking the Stigma of Seeking Therapy

    In a world where mental health is slowly becoming more recognized and accepted, there still exists a lingering stigma around seeking therapy. For many, the idea of talking to a stranger about their innermost thoughts and emotions is a daunting and embarrassing prospect. Despite the proven benefits of therapy, the cultural stigma attached to it…

  • Country Music and Mental Health

    Country Music and Mental Health

    Country music has long been a genre that speaks to the heart and soul of its listeners. With its themes of heartbreak, love, and struggle, the genre has resonated with audiences for generations. However, behind the scenes, many of the country music stars who bring these songs to life have been grappling with their own…

  • Haloperidol


    Haloperidol, commonly known by its brand name Haldol, is a powerful antipsychotic medication used in the treatment of various psychiatric conditions, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and severe cases of depression. Haloperidol works by blocking dopamine receptors in the brain, which helps reduce the symptoms of psychosis and manic episodes. It is typically administered orally in…

  • Life Moment: I think my husband is cheating on me

    Life Moment: I think my husband is cheating on me

    If you suspect that your husband is cheating on you, it’s important to address the situation in a calm and rational way. Here are a few things you can do: It’s important to remember that you have the right to make the decisions that are best for you and your well-being. If you feel unsafe…

  • Life Moment: Coping with a Dying Partner

    Life Moment: Coping with a Dying Partner

    Dealing with the loss of a partner can be incredibly difficult and painful. It’s important to remember that grief is a personal and unique experience, and there is no right or wrong way to cope with it. Here are a few suggestions for coping with the loss of a partner: Remember that it is normal…

  • Demi Lovato: A Champion of Mental Health Awareness

    Demi Lovato: A Champion of Mental Health Awareness

    Demi Lovato is an American singer, songwriter, and actress who has been in the public eye since she was a teenager. Throughout her career, she has been open and honest about her struggles with mental health and addiction, and she has become a leading advocate for mental health awareness and self-care. Lovato was first diagnosed…

  • 1952: The Groundbreaking Mental Health Study that Changed Everything

    1952: The Groundbreaking Mental Health Study that Changed Everything

    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is one of the most influential publications in the field of mental health. First published in 1952 by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), DSM has been regularly updated and remains the standard reference for diagnosing mental health conditions in the United States and much of the…