Tag: Care

  • Mental Health and Weight Loss: The Interconnected Journey

    Mental Health and Weight Loss: The Interconnected Journey

    Mental health and weight loss are two important aspects of our overall well-being that are often interconnected. When one is suffering, it can have a profound impact on the other. Many people struggle with maintaining a healthy weight due to underlying mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress. On the other hand, being…

  • Ellen Degeneres

    Ellen Degeneres

    Ellen DeGeneres is a beloved television personality who has become a household name thanks to her talk show, “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”. Over the years, she has used her platform to talk openly about her own struggles with mental health and has encouraged others to prioritize their well-being. DeGeneres has been vocal about her experience…

  • Celebrities and Mental Health

    Celebrities and Mental Health

    Mental health is a significant issue that affects individuals from all walks of life, including celebrities. Despite the glamour and fame that comes with being in the public eye, celebrities are not immune to the struggles of mental health. They often face unique challenges when it comes to seeking help and support. Here is a…

  • Mental Health and Finances: Understanding the Connection and Importance of Self-Care

    Mental Health and Finances: Understanding the Connection and Importance of Self-Care

    Mental health and finances are two important aspects of our lives that are closely interlinked. Our financial well-being can have a significant impact on our mental health, and vice versa. Understanding the connection between these two can help us to develop better habits for managing both our mental health and our finances. Financial stress is…

  • Mental Health in the 20th Century

    Mental Health in the 20th Century

    In the 20th century, attitudes towards mental health and the treatment of mental illness evolved significantly. The rise of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy as well as advancements in neuropsychiatry and psychopharmacology led to a shift away from inhumane treatments and towards more humane and evidence-based approaches. The development of new medications, such as antipsychotics and antidepressants,…

  • Therapy Breakdown: The Different Types of Therapy for Mental Health and How to Choose a Therapist

    Therapy Breakdown: The Different Types of Therapy for Mental Health and How to Choose a Therapist

    Mental health is an important aspect of overall wellness and therapy can be an effective way to address emotional, behavioral, and psychological concerns. With a range of options available, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of therapy for mental health and offer tips on…

  • Emotion Check: How Do I Release Resentment?

    Emotion Check: How Do I Release Resentment?

    Releasing resentment involves acknowledging and processing your emotions, and choosing to let go of negative feelings towards someone or something. Here are some steps that may help: Remember, releasing resentment is a process that may take time. It’s important to be patient and gentle with yourself as you work through your feelings.

  • Life Moment: My Fiance’s Ex is a Narcissist

    Life Moment: My Fiance’s Ex is a Narcissist

    My fiance’s ex wife is a narcissist who treats their children poorly. She takes all the child support money and spends it only on herself. My fiance was so generous in his divorce agreement to his ex wife because he didnt want her to take it out on their children. As a result of his…

  • The Baker Act: Mental Health Weapon or Community Service?

    The Baker Act: Mental Health Weapon or Community Service?

    The Baker Act is a Florida law that governs the involuntary examination of individuals with mental illness. The Baker Act has played a significant role in transforming the mental health landscape in Florida and has helped many individuals receive the treatment they need. The law, also known as the Florida Mental Health Act, was enacted…