Tag: Challenges

  • Aristotle’s Advice for Dark Times: How to Focus on the Light

    Aristotle’s Advice for Dark Times: How to Focus on the Light

    Feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges? On ‘Behind the Quote,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu , and guest Marques Ogden, former NFL player and motivational speaker, discuss the power of Aristotle’s timeless wisdom, “In times of extreme darkness, focus on the light.” Embrace the Light Marques explains how to shift your mindset and become a beacon…

  • Helen Keller’s Challenge: Can We Build a World Where No One Is Alone?

    Helen Keller’s Challenge: Can We Build a World Where No One Is Alone?

    Helen Keller’s quote, “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much,” speaks to the fundamental human need for connection and the power of collective action. In a world that often emphasizes individual achievement, this quote reminds us of the strength and resilience that we find in collaboration. The Power of Community…

  • What Is Life Trying to Teach Me?

    What Is Life Trying to Teach Me?

    Life throws us curveballs – job loss, financial struggles, relationship issues, grief – it’s all part of the journey. But what if these challenges are more than just bad luck? On ‘Mental Breakthroughs’My Journal Prompts’, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Jonathan ‘Jono the Giant’ Gustave challenges you to a journaling prompt: “What…

  • The Sky’s Not the Limit: John McFall’s Journey to Become the First Parastronaut

    The Sky’s Not the Limit: John McFall’s Journey to Become the First Parastronaut

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest therapist Ryan Heapy discuss about John McFall, a former Paralympic sprinter and amputee, who is participating in a groundbreaking study with the European Space Agency (ESA) to explore the possibility of space travel for people with disabilities. Overcoming Obstacles John McFall’s remarkable journey…

  • From Combat to Civilian: A Veteran’s Guide to Finding Purpose and Motivation

    From Combat to Civilian: A Veteran’s Guide to Finding Purpose and Motivation

    On ‘Mental Breakthroughs,’ host Jessica Reyes is joined by Aaron Seibert, a combat veteran and dedicated advocate for veteran support organizations, who discuss strategies for navigating this transition successfully. Unique Challenges The transition from military to civilian life presents unique challenges for veterans, including loss of purpose, identity shifts, and mental health struggles. Finding Purpose…

  • Broken, But Beautiful: How Challenges Can Lead to Growth

    Broken, But Beautiful: How Challenges Can Lead to Growth

    “We are all broken, that is how the light gets in.” – Ernest Hemingway. This powerful quote reminds us that our imperfections and challenges can open the door to growth and transformation. On “Behind the Quote,” hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest holistic psychologist Charlotte Lewis discuss this concept. Brokenness is Universal Everyone experiences…

  • Britney Griner’s Trauma: A Therapist Analyzes Her Ordeal in Russia

    Britney Griner’s Trauma: A Therapist Analyzes Her Ordeal in Russia

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines’, hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest therapist Ryan Heapy discuss the psychological impact of Britney Griner’s experience of improsement and the process of healing from trauma. Imprisonment’s Harsh Impact Prison conditions can be incredibly harsh, lacking basic necessities and fostering feelings of dehumanization. These factors can lead to significant…

  • I’m Back in College at 40. How Do I Fit In?

    I’m Back in College at 40. How Do I Fit In?

    Going back to school as an older student is brave! But it can also feel intimidating and isolating. On “Life Quakes,” hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Jude Black offers advice to a viewer’s strugglling with feeling “too old” for college. Age is just a number Never stop learning! You bring valuable experience to…

  • Starting Over in a New City, New Job. Any Tips?

    Starting Over in a New City, New Job. Any Tips?

    On ‘Life Quakes’, a viewer just got a big promotion, but it means moving to a city where he knows no one. It’s a mix of excitement and nerves – the opportunity is amazing, but starting over feels so overwhelming. Hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Olivia Atkin has practical advice. Find Your Community…

  • Why Childhood Experiences Matters for Teen Mental Well-being

    Why Childhood Experiences Matters for Teen Mental Well-being

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines” hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss the powerful impact of childhood experiences on adolescent mental health. Childhood Matters Positive childhood experiences play a crucial role in shaping teenage mental health and well-being. Community is Key Teens need supportive communities outside of school where they can…