Tag: Communities

  • Healing with EMDR: Reprocessing Trauma for a Brighter Future

    Healing with EMDR: Reprocessing Trauma for a Brighter Future

    Trauma can happen to anyone, from major life events to smaller, everyday experiences. Hosts Patricia Wu and guest  EMDR and brainspotting psychotherapist Janet Bayramyan discuss how trauma impacts us and the importance of acknowledging our pain as the first step towards healing. Janet explains specialized therapies like EMDR and brainspotting, which help process trauma and…

  • Finding Strength in Constant Change Within Military Families

    Finding Strength in Constant Change Within Military Families

    Military families face unique challenges that can impact their mental well-being. Frequent moves, deployments, and the stress of military life can be difficult. Dr. Jude Black, a military spouse and trauma therapist, shares her personal experiences and insights on the mental health issues that military personnel and their families may encounter with hosts Patricia Wu…

  • NYC Revives Mental Health First Aid Training to Address Crisis

    NYC Revives Mental Health First Aid Training to Address Crisis

    In today’s segment ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines’, hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu discuss New York City’s efforts to tackle the ongoing mental health crisis. City Councilwoman Linda Lee has proposed a bill to bring back the Mental Health First Aid training program. This initiative, originally launched under former Mayor Bill de Blasio, was put…

  • Mental Health and Law Enforcement Team Up for Safer Crisis Response

    Mental Health and Law Enforcement Team Up for Safer Crisis Response

    Hosts Patricia Wu and Jessica Reyes, along with guest psychiatrist Dr. Dan Bober discuss the success of New Jersey’s “Arrive Together” program, mental health professionals are paired with police officers to improve responses to crisis calls. Mental health crises and police encounters Individuals with mental illness are significantly more likely to experience negative outcomes during…

  • Reaching Out Early is Key to Avoiding Crisis in the Legal Profession

    Reaching Out Early is Key to Avoiding Crisis in the Legal Profession

    Host Patricia Wu and guest lawyer and life coach Javoyne Hicks discuss the critical topic of maintaining mental, physical, and emotional health in the legal profession—a field known for its high stakes and intense pressures. Understanding Lawyer Wellness Hicks introduces the concept of Lawyer Wellness, emphasizing the importance of self-care in a profession where practitioners…

  • Advocating for Change But Feel Like You Are Not Making A Difference?

    Advocating for Change But Feel Like You Are Not Making A Difference?

    Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest lawyer and life coach Javoyne Hicks discuss the challenges and triumphs of advocating for mental health awareness. Focusing on the Individual Hicks emphasizes the importance of impacting one person at a time, highlighting the ripple effect that can amplify the impact beyond initial expectations. Finding Joy in the…

  • Understanding and Healing from the Heartache of Miscarriage

    Understanding and Healing from the Heartache of Miscarriage

    Hosts Patricia Wu and Jessica Reyes and guest therapist Jenna Watson discuss the emotional and mental health challenges faced by women struggling with pregnancy loss and infertility. Isolation and Stigma The journey through pregnancy loss and infertility is often shrouded in silence, adding layers of isolation and stigma to the grieving and healing process. Identity…

  • Is Your Workplace Really Supporting Mental Health?

    Is Your Workplace Really Supporting Mental Health?

    Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest therapist Charlotte Lewis discuss the importance of mental health at work amidst rising job insecurity and layoffs. Supporting Employees Encouraging open conversations about mental well-being, creating a supportive environment for seeking help, and promoting work-life balance and setting boundaries. Trying Relaxation Techniques Introducing activities like meditation and yoga,…

  • How Poverty Shapes the Brain and What We Can Do About It

    How Poverty Shapes the Brain and What We Can Do About It

    Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Janina Maschke discuss the effects of growing up in disadvantaged neighborhoods on cognitive abilities later in life, even without physical signs of brain disease. Link Between Socioeconomics and Cognition Recent studies reveal that lower income and living in disadvantaged areas are associated with weaker cognitive function in older…

  • From Battlefield to Healing Path: A Veteran’s Journey into Psychedelic Therapy

    From Battlefield to Healing Path: A Veteran’s Journey into Psychedelic Therapy

    Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and Matt Bruce discuss the healing power of psychedelic therapy after the scars of war. Holistic Healing Approach Matt emphasizes the importance of combining psychedelics with meditation, somatic therapies, and lifestyle adjustments, advocating for a comprehensive wellness strategy. Psychedelics and PTSD The conversation highlights research on the benefits of psychedelics…