Tag: Compassion

  • Autism Allyship: Steph Jones on Compassion and Connection

    Autism Allyship: Steph Jones on Compassion and Connection

    On ‘What’s Trending,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest psychotherapist Steph Jones, discuss on what it truly means to be an Autism ally . True allyship Allyship comes from a place of genuine understanding and respect, not power or pity. Language matters Use respectful terminology and focus on the individual’s strengths and challenges. Celebrate…

  • Can Pain Lead to Purpose? A Mom’s Journey Through Autism

    Can Pain Lead to Purpose? A Mom’s Journey Through Autism

    On “Behind the Quote”, hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu discuss the powerful idea that “your pain is your purpose.” Guest Grace Bigger, mindset coach, shares her personal story of finding purpose in the challenges of raising two daughters with autism. Finding Purpose in Pain Difficult experiences, like navigating a child’s diagnosis, can become catalysts…

  • Create a Compassionate Home with DBT Skills

    Create a Compassionate Home with DBT Skills

    On ‘What’s Trending’, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Rabbi Gaines explains Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and the power of validation can transform family relationships. What Is DBT? DBT is a mindfulness-focused therapy combining practical skills and Eastern wisdom to help you live from a calm, centered place. Validation Matters Even if you disagree…

  • Don’t Wait: Why Kindness Matters Today

    Don’t Wait: Why Kindness Matters Today

    Life is unpredictable and change can happen in a moment. That’s why the philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson reminds us, “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” His words encourage us to live lives motivated by generosity and compassion. Don’t Procrastinate on Kindness Acts of…

  • The Freedom of Self-Acceptance: Embrace Your Imperfections

    The Freedom of Self-Acceptance: Embrace Your Imperfections

    Do you find yourself constantly striving for unattainable perfection? The pressure to be flawless can be exhausting. In this quote, Deborah Day reminds us of the importance of self-acceptance and embracing our perfectly imperfect humanness. Lighten Up Don’t take yourself too seriously. It’s okay to make mistakes and laugh at your own flaws. This eases…

  • Einstein on Wisdom: It’s Not About School, It’s About the Journey

    Einstein on Wisdom: It’s Not About School, It’s About the Journey

    True wisdom isn’t something earned through a degree. Albert Einstein reminds us that gaining wisdom is a journey, not a destination. Learning is a Lifelong Pursuit Wisdom doesn’t happen overnight, it’s cultivated through a continuous desire to learn and understand the world around us. Curiosity is Key True wisdom comes from asking questions, exploring new…

  • Guilt-Free Zone: Finding Compassion for Yourself

    Guilt-Free Zone: Finding Compassion for Yourself

    On ‘Pod Soup’, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest holistic psychologist Charlotte Lewis are inspired by the popular podcast “On Purpose with Jay Shetty.” They discuss the concept of attachment theory and how those early bonds with caregivers can shape our inner critic. Childhood experiences matter The way we were cared for as children…

  • Audrey Hepburn Knew Best: Why We Need Each Other

    Audrey Hepburn Knew Best: Why We Need Each Other

    Today’s ‘Behind the Quotes,’ is inspired by Audrey Hepburn : “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss the importance of human connection. Human Connection is Healing Human connection offers emotional support, reduces stress, and promotes a sense of belonging. Compassion…

  • Breaking the People-Pleasing Cycle and Learn How to Say No

    Breaking the People-Pleasing Cycle and Learn How to Say No

    Do you often say ‘yes’ when you mean ‘no’? On “Mental Breakthroughs”, host Patricia Wu and guest licensed marriage and family therapist Anna Aslanian discuss why we fall into this pattern and offers practical steps to break free. People-Pleasing is Learned Anna explains that this behavior often stems from childhood experiences where we learned to…

  • Try a Little Tenderness

    Try a Little Tenderness

    This piece, like many others before it, began with a long, contemplative stare at an empty page. It can be tough to know where to begin. The very fact that I’m writing in the first place indicates that I probably need to work through something. That’s usually the way it goes; whether I’m frustrated, or…