
Difficult Time

In-Law Troubles? How to Build Better Family Relationships

On “Mental Breakthroughs,” host Jessica Reyes and guest Dr. Cortina Peters helps navigate the tricky dynamics of In-law relationships. Understand the Root of Tension In-law conflicts...

Immigration Fears Fuel Rising Nationalism – Even in Welcoming Countries

On 'Psychology Behind the Headlines,' hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss the study that suggests it's not cultural differences...

Healing with EMDR: Reprocessing Trauma for a Brighter Future

Trauma can happen to anyone, from major life events to smaller, everyday experiences. Hosts Patricia Wu and guest  EMDR and brainspotting psychotherapist Janet Bayramyan...

Crafting Time: Embrace Lao Tzu’s Ancient Wisdom for Modern Success

In our fast-paced world, effective time management stands out as a key to success in both personal growth and professional development. Lao Tzu's profound...

How Do I Know if I’m with a Narcissist

There are several signs that may indicate that you are in a relationship with a narcissist. You will need to be aware of these...

Life Moment: My Fiance’s Ex is a Narcissist

My fiance's ex wife is a narcissist who treats their children poorly. She takes all the child support money and spends it only on...