Tag: Discrimination

  • Cancel Culture: Is It Driven by Our Political Beliefs?

    Cancel Culture: Is It Driven by Our Political Beliefs?

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines”, hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest MHTN Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dan Bober discuss about the new study suggesting there’s a strong link between political beliefs and our desire to “cancel” others. Politics Has Become Personal When political views are deeply tied to our identity, any challenge to those…

  • Bias in the Courtroom? Study Says Attractive Attorneys May Have an Advantage

    Bias in the Courtroom? Study Says Attractive Attorneys May Have an Advantage

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest MHTN Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dan Bober discuss their views on the research found that physically attractive attorneys are more likely to win federal case. Looksism in Action The study reveals a form of looksism – the tendency to favor attractive people –…

  • Where Race and Gender Meet: The Impact of Intersectionality

    Where Race and Gender Meet: The Impact of Intersectionality

    Host Jessica Reyes and guest Dr. Cortina Peters, an advocate for racial and gender equality, discusses the complex concept of intersectionality. Dr. Cortina explains how race, gender, and other identities can combine to create unique experiences of discrimination and marginalization. Intersectionality Defined Intersectionality refers to how different aspects of our identities, such as race, gender,…

  • Mental Health in the 20th Century

    Mental Health in the 20th Century

    In the 20th century, attitudes towards mental health and the treatment of mental illness evolved significantly. The rise of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy as well as advancements in neuropsychiatry and psychopharmacology led to a shift away from inhumane treatments and towards more humane and evidence-based approaches. The development of new medications, such as antipsychotics and antidepressants,…