Tag: Emotional Eating

  • Intuitive Eating: A Path to a Healthier Relationship with Food

    Intuitive Eating: A Path to a Healthier Relationship with Food

    On ‘Mental Breakthroughs’, host Patricia Wu and guest registered dietitian Lindsay Plesckot introduces us to the empowering concept of intuitive eating. Reject the Diet Mentality Understand why diets often fail and how intuitive eating offers a sustainable alternative. Reconnect with Your Body Learn to trust your body’s internal signals of hunger, fullness, and satisfaction. Prioritize…

  • Overcoming Disordered Eating: What Are the First Steps to Healthy Habits?

    Overcoming Disordered Eating: What Are the First Steps to Healthy Habits?

    On ‘Life Quakes,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest functional nutritionist Jayne Williams offers advice to a viewer struggling with rediscovering healthy eating habits and finding joy in food again. Professional Support Seek guidance from a specialist in eating disorders to create a personalized recovery plan. Gradual Progress Take it slow and steady, building one…

  • Disordered Eating vs. Eating Disorders

    Disordered Eating vs. Eating Disorders

    On ‘What’s Trending,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest life coach with a master’s of counseling Alisa Harp discuss fine line between disordered eating and eating disorders. Understanding the Difference Eating disorders are mental illnesses affecting mental and physical health, while disordered eating involves harmful eating habits that don’t meet disorder criteria but can…

  • My New Job is Stressful – How Do I Stop Eating Junk?

    My New Job is Stressful – How Do I Stop Eating Junk?

    On ‘Life Quakes’, a viewer writes in about their new promotion that’s causing stress-eating chaos. Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest nutritionist Michelle Routhenstein breaks down why this happens and gives practical ways to get your eating back on track – no matter how crazy work gets. Stress: The Junk Food Craving Culprit Stress…

  • Summer Body Myths Debunked: Prioritize Health

    Summer Body Myths Debunked: Prioritize Health

    On ‘Mental Breakthrough’, host Patricia Wu and guest dietician Ellen Coghlan, dispels the “summer body” myths and discuss the importance of prioritizing health over appearance. Beyond the “Summer Body” Hype The drawbacks of short-term, appearance-driven goals. How social media fuels body image anxieties. Embrace Body Positivity Tips for challenging negative self-talk and fostering self-acceptance. Prioritize…

  • My Secret Eating Disorder is Tearing Me Apart. How Do I Tell My Family?

    My Secret Eating Disorder is Tearing Me Apart. How Do I Tell My Family?

    In “Life Quakes”, a young woman reveals her hidden battle with an eating disorder. She worries about the impact revealing her secret will have on her family. Host Patricia Wu and guest therapist Ellen Coghlan offers support and guidance, emphasizing the importance of self-care and seeking professional help. Don’t Suffer Alone Eating disorders can be…

  • The Scale Rules My Life – How Do I Stop Obsessing Over Numbers?

    The Scale Rules My Life – How Do I Stop Obsessing Over Numbers?

    Feeling like you can’t even recognize the person in the mirror? When every minute revolves around food, exercise, and the number on the scale? It’s exhausting. And the worst part is, it feels impossible to even talk about it with anyone. If that sounds like you, you’re not alone. Our latest “Life Quakes” segment tackles…

  • Rebuild Your Relationship with Food with Intuitive Eating

    Rebuild Your Relationship with Food with Intuitive Eating

    Do you struggle to find a healthy balance with food? Dieting can be stressful and unsustainable. Host Jessica Reyes, and guest, certified dietician Ellen Coghlan, unveils a better approach – intuitive eating. Ellen helps us understand this concept and offers guidance on how it can transform your relationship with food. What is Intuitive Eating? Intuitive…

  • My Friend’s Junk Food is Sabotaging My Health

    My Friend’s Junk Food is Sabotaging My Health

    Hosts Patricia Wu and Jessica Reyes and guest dietician Ellen Coghlan discuss healthy eating habits and the influence friends may have. Breaking free from food fixation When food, exercise, and weight dominate our thoughts, it’s important to recognize these patterns. Small changes, like reducing weigh-ins, can help lessen the control these numbers have. Nutrition with…

  • Mental Health and Weight Loss: The Interconnected Journey

    Mental Health and Weight Loss: The Interconnected Journey

    Mental health and weight loss are two important aspects of our overall well-being that are often interconnected. When one is suffering, it can have a profound impact on the other. Many people struggle with maintaining a healthy weight due to underlying mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress. On the other hand, being…