Tag: Emotional Processes

  • Unblock Your Mind: Freewriting as a Tool for Mental Well-being

    Unblock Your Mind: Freewriting as a Tool for Mental Well-being

    On ‘My Journal Prompts,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Caitlin Cook, creator of Anhecomics, challenge you to a powerful journaling technique that can help you tap into your inner thoughts and emotions. Freewriting for Self-Discovery Freewriting is a powerful tool for tapping into your subconscious and gaining a deeper understanding of your thoughts…

  • Finding Humor in Darkness: ‘Angela’s Ashes’ and Mental Wellness

    Finding Humor in Darkness: ‘Angela’s Ashes’ and Mental Wellness

    On ‘Page Inspiration,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Caitlin Cook, creator of Anhecomics, discuss about the book, “Angela’s Ashes,” and how finding humor in difficult circumstances can be a powerful coping mechanism. Humor as a Coping Mechanism Using humor can help us process difficult emotions and experiences in a healthier way. Finding Light…

  • Don’t Man Up, Speak Up: How One Organization Tackles Men’s Mental Health

    Don’t Man Up, Speak Up: How One Organization Tackles Men’s Mental Health

    On “Mental Breakthroughs”, host Patricia Wu and guest Teddy Sourlis, CEO and founder of Men’s X Mental, shares how a college project has blossomed into a thriving nonprofit dedicated to addressing men’s mental health concerns. Vulnerability is Strength Men’s Mental encourages men to speak up and seek help, challenging the outdated notion of “manning up.”…

  • The Power of Visualization: Work Less, Achieve More

    Feeling exhausted and like you’re getting nowhere despite working long hours? Abraham Hicks offers a surprising perspective with the quote, “You are more productive by doing 15 minutes of visualization than from sixteen hours of hard labor.” Let’s break down what this means and how it can supercharge your efforts. Visualization Primes the Brain When…

  • Broken, But Beautiful: How Challenges Can Lead to Growth

    Broken, But Beautiful: How Challenges Can Lead to Growth

    “We are all broken, that is how the light gets in.” – Ernest Hemingway. This powerful quote reminds us that our imperfections and challenges can open the door to growth and transformation. On “Behind the Quote,” hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest holistic psychologist Charlotte Lewis discuss this concept. Brokenness is Universal Everyone experiences…

  • Adele’s “30”: Music, Divorce, and Finding Healing After Heartbreak

    Adele’s “30”: Music, Divorce, and Finding Healing After Heartbreak

    On ‘Music Moods,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest holistic therapist Charlotte Lewis discuss the power of music to help us cope with painful emotions. Music as a Healing Tool Charlotte explains why listening to music that reflects our own pain can make us feel less alone and more understood. Honest Communication with Children…

  • Is Perfectionism Holding Me Back? How Do I Get Things Done?

    Is Perfectionism Holding Me Back? How Do I Get Things Done?

    On ‘Life Quakes,’ hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu hears from a viewer who is struggling with perfectionism that’s costing her both at work and in her personal life. She spends so long trying to get things perfect that she misses deadlines or doesn’t even finish projects at all. Guest counselor Jahmaal Marshall offers practical…

  • Dealing with a Huntington’s Diagnosis – Where Do I Even Start?

    Dealing with a Huntington’s Diagnosis – Where Do I Even Start?

    On ‘Life Quakes,’ hosts Patricia Wu and Jessica Reyes hears from a viewer’s family who are struggling to adjust to this progressive, incurable disease, and they’re looking for support and guidance. Guest therapist Miriam Klein offers advice on how to manage these difficult times. Seek Support Miriam emphasizes finding a therapist for individual and family…

  • Eyewitness Testimony: Reliable or Flawed?

    Eyewitness Testimony: Reliable or Flawed?

    We often think of eyewitness accounts as the gold standard in solving crimes. But can they really be trusted? On “What’s Trending,” hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Dr. Jude Black discuss new research suggesting faulty memories could be leading to wrongful convictions. Our brains aren’t perfect recorders Especially during stressful situations, our memory can…

  • Heartwarming Viral Video: A Child’s Joy Over a New Home

    Heartwarming Viral Video: A Child’s Joy Over a New Home

    Sometimes the simplest moments pack the biggest emotional punch. A viral video of a young boy’s reaction to receiving a new home has touched hearts across the internet. In this episode of “Reflections Reels”, host Patricia Wu and Jessica Reyes discuss the heartwarming story and its emotional resonance. The Impact of Gratitude The child’s reaction…