Tag: Finances

  • From Toxic Jobs to Retirement: Find Balance

    From Toxic Jobs to Retirement: Find Balance

    Are you struggling at work or stressing over retirement savings? Uncover ways to thrive in challenging environments with our hosts, Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and our expert therapist Liana Ross. Learn how to stand strong against workplace toxicity and find financial-relationship balance in your golden years. Don’t miss out on these vital tips more in…

  • Managing Money in Retirement: Is It Straining Your Relationship?

    Managing Money in Retirement: Is It Straining Your Relationship?

    In this heartfelt segment, our hosts, Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu, explores the financial tensions in retirement with expert advice, Liana Ross. Learn to balance money and love with our three quick tips: Financial Planning Encourage open conversations with your partner about money management. This might include setting up regular ‘finance dates’ to review your…

  • Thriving as a Single Mom with These Game-Changing Tips

    Thriving as a Single Mom with These Game-Changing Tips

    In today’s segment our hosts, Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu, delve into the heroic efforts of single mothers with expert guest, Liana Ross. They discuss the balancing act of parenthood, the importance of self-care, and the power of seeking support. Liana reminds us that even superheroes need a team with the pressure of single motherhood…

  • Facing the Storm Together After a Diagnosis

    Facing the Storm Together After a Diagnosis

    In this compelling segment, therapist Liana Ross, shares invaluable advice for those facing the daunting realities of supporting a partner diagnosed with bipolar disorder and coping with the overwhelming pressures of single parenthood amid financial crises. Here are three key takeaways from their discussion, offering practical advice for those in similar situations: Supporting a Partner…

  • Mental Health and Finances: Understanding the Connection and Importance of Self-Care

    Mental Health and Finances: Understanding the Connection and Importance of Self-Care

    Mental health and finances are two important aspects of our lives that are closely interlinked. Our financial well-being can have a significant impact on our mental health, and vice versa. Understanding the connection between these two can help us to develop better habits for managing both our mental health and our finances. Financial stress is…