Tag: Goals

  • Embracing Life’s Second Half: A Guide to Purpose and Happiness

    Embracing Life’s Second Half: A Guide to Purpose and Happiness

    Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Janina Maschke, discuss Arthur C. Brooks’ approach to finding fulfillment in the latter stages of life. Embracing the Second Curve Transitioning focus towards accumulating wisdom and making sound judgments, leveraging crystallized intelligence over fluid intelligence for a richer life experience. Ditching the Success Addiction Moving away from…

  • Ignite Creativity and Face Fears Through Journaling

    Ignite Creativity and Face Fears Through Journaling

    Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, guest therapist and life coach Mollie Birney discuss the transformative power of journaling. Journaling as Self-Discovery Emphasizing that journaling isn’t about uncovering an ultimate truth but exploring the narratives we tell ourselves, offering a path to understanding our underlying belief systems. Overcoming the Intimidation of the Blank Page Strategies like…

  • Embracing the Journey: Theodore Roosevelt’s Timeless Advice

    Embracing the Journey: Theodore Roosevelt’s Timeless Advice

    Dive into the wisdom of historical Theodore Roosevelt. “Believe you can, and you’re halfway there,” a powerful reminder that faith in oneself lays the foundation for success. Igniting the Spark Within The strength of self-belief cannot be overstated. It’s the initial spark that ignites the journey toward achieving our goals. When we trust in our…

  • Unveiling Eternal Joy: Einstein’s Blueprint for Lasting Happiness

    Unveiling Eternal Joy: Einstein’s Blueprint for Lasting Happiness

    Discover the keys to lasting happiness with insights from the legendary Albert Einstein. In a world inundated with fleeting distractions, Einstein’s timeless wisdom illuminates a path towards fulfillment. “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things,” he famously advised. Let’s delve into three SEO-friendly takeaways…

  • Never Settle, Forever Thrive on Your Goals

    Never Settle, Forever Thrive on Your Goals

    The quote “You are never too old to set new goals or to dream a new dream,” by C.S. Lewis, serves as a timeless reminder that the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment knows no age limits. Here are three key points that we can learn from this insightful statement: Lifelong Learning Embrace the concept…

  • Strengthen Your Long-Distance Relationship

    Strengthen Your Long-Distance Relationship

    In this insightful segment of ‘LifeQuakes’, our hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu delve into the complexities of maintaining a strong connection in long-distance relationships, with expert advice from guest Jenna Watson. Discover practical strategies to keep the love alive, no matter the distance. The Importance of Communication Jenna emphasizes that a strong foundation in…

  • Are You Harnessing the Power of Digital Coaching for Personal Growth?

    Are You Harnessing the Power of Digital Coaching for Personal Growth?

    Join Patricia Wu as she sits down with Dr. Woody Woodward, a pioneer in the digital coaching sphere, to discuss his new book, ‘The Digital Coaching Revolution.’ Here’s what you’ll learn: The Digital Shift Dr. Woodward describes how digital coaching can be a democratizing force, making personal development accessible beyond corporate walls. Finding the Right…

  • Unlocking Success: The Power of Goals, Mindset, and Motivation

    Unlocking Success: The Power of Goals, Mindset, and Motivation

    Setting Clear Goals: Your Pathway to Success Define your destination with SMART goals to navigate the journey of entrepreneurship. Setting clear, well-defined goals acts as the guiding compass for entrepreneurs, offering direction amid uncertainties. By establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals, you create a roadmap that not only outlines your desired destination…

  • How Do I Know if I’m with a Narcissist

    How Do I Know if I’m with a Narcissist

    There are several signs that may indicate that you are in a relationship with a narcissist. You will need to be aware of these in order to protect yourself. Some of these signs are: In conclusion, being in a relationship with a narcissist can be challenging and emotionally draining. It is possible to regain your…

  • Emotion Check: Dealing with Regrets

    Emotion Check: Dealing with Regrets

    Dealing with regrets can be challenging, but it is possible to move past them and find peace. Here are some steps that may help: Remember, dealing with regrets is a process and it may take time to fully overcome them. Be patient with yourself and seek support if necessary.