Tag: Happiness

  • The Art of Living: Picasso’s Wisdom on Finding and Sharing Your Gifts

    The Art of Living: Picasso’s Wisdom on Finding and Sharing Your Gifts

    Pablo Picasso suggests that life’s true essence lies not just in self-discovery, but also in sharing one’s unique talents and abilities with the world. Unearthing Your Unique Gifts Picasso emphasizes the importance of self-discovery, encouraging us to explore our passions and talents to find what makes us truly unique. This could be a creative skill,…

  • Your True Calling: A Buddhist Perspective

    Buddha encapsulates the essence of a fulfilling life: discovering your true purpose and devoting yourself wholeheartedly to it. The Quest for Purpose Life’s ultimate journey is not merely about existence, but about uncovering the unique reason you are here. This purpose is not something imposed from the outside, but a calling that emerges from within.…

  • Finding Purpose: Helen Keller’s Timeless Wisdom for a Fulfilling Life

    Finding Purpose: Helen Keller’s Timeless Wisdom for a Fulfilling Life

    Helen Keller shares a truth about happiness. Keller’s words invite us to re-evaluate our pursuit of joy, suggesting a path that goes beyond immediate pleasure and embraces a deeper sense of meaning. Self-Gratification is Fleeting While indulging in self-gratification might provide temporary pleasure, it ultimately falls short of delivering lasting happiness. Keller’s quote suggests that…

  • The Stoic Secret to Happiness: Less is More

    The Stoic Secret to Happiness: Less is More

    Philosopher Marcus Aurelius offers a simple yet powerful insight into the nature of happiness. He reminds us that lasting joy isn’t found in external circumstances or possessions, but rather in our own mindset and perspective. Happiness is an Inside Job We often search for happiness in external things, believing that acquiring more wealth, success, or…

  • Mind Over Matter: How a Positive Attitude Can Transform Your Life

    Mind Over Matter: How a Positive Attitude Can Transform Your Life

    In this quote, actress Patricia Neal reminds us of the impact our mental attitude can have on our overall well-being. She suggests that a positive mindset, a powerful tool we all possess, can achieve remarkable results that even the most advanced medicines cannot. The Mind-Body Connection Our thoughts and beliefs have a significant impact on…

  • Happiness: An Inside Job – Love, Grace, and Gratitude

    Happiness: An Inside Job – Love, Grace, and Gratitude

    In our relentless pursuit of happiness, Denis Waitley’s quote serves as a reminder that true happiness isn’t something we acquire or achieve. It’s a state of being, a spiritual experience cultivated through how we live each moment. Happiness is an Experience, Not a Possession We often chase external factors like wealth, possessions, or status, believing…

  • Savor the Small Joys: A Prescription for Happiness

    Savor the Small Joys: A Prescription for Happiness

    Hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu challenge you to pause, even for a brief moment, and savor the simple joys life offers, like enjoying a warm cup of tea. Intentional Pausing Deliberately creating pauses in our day can help us slow down, recharge, and appreciate the present moment. Simple Pleasures Happiness often resides in the ordinary experiences…

  • Social Connection: Is It the Secret to Happiness for Seniors?

    Social Connection: Is It the Secret to Happiness for Seniors?

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines”, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Dr. Jude Black discuss a new study from the University of Zurich that suggests routine social interaction can be a key to happiness and emotional well-being for older adults. Social Beings Need Connection We are social creatures and thrive with genuine connection, especially…

  • Write a Thank You Note

    Write a Thank You Note

    On ‘Motivator Challenge,’ hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu challenge you to write a thank you note to someone who made a difference in your life. Taking a moment to express gratitude to someone who has impacted your life can be a powerful act. A well-written thank you note can strengthen relationships and create lasting…

  • The Happiness Myth: Why It’s Not About What You Get (But How You Live)

    The Happiness Myth: Why It’s Not About What You Get (But How You Live)

    Denis Waitley, a motivational speaker and author, emphasizes that happiness is not something to be attained, but rather a way of experiencing life. It’s not about external possessions or achievements, but about the internal state we cultivate. Happiness is a Spiritual Experience True happiness goes beyond physical comfort or material possessions. It’s about a deep…