Tag: Health

  • Fight Inflammation And Feel Your Best With This Recipe

    Fight Inflammation And Feel Your Best With This Recipe

    On ‘Ingredients For Life,’ hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu is joined by guest functional nutritionist Jayne Williams who has a simple recipe for a DIY anti-inflammatory shot that packs a punch! Lemon, ginger, and turmeric are natural anti-inflammatories These powerful ingredients help your body fight off inflammation, which can contribute to many health issues.…

  • Eat Your Way to a Healthy Heart and Mind

    Eat Your Way to a Healthy Heart and Mind

    On “Mental Breakthroughs”, host Jessica Reyes and guest cardiology dietician Michelle Routhenstein discuss how tailored nutrition can boost cardiovascular health and improve your mood. Food impacts your heart and mood Making smart choices can lower heart disease risk and improve mental wellbeing. Personalization is key There’s no one-size-fits-all plan. Find what works best for you…

  • Alzheimer’s Drug Hope vs. Reality: High Costs and Barriers

    Alzheimer’s Drug Hope vs. Reality: High Costs and Barriers

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest therapist Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant discuss how the new Alzheimer’s drug promised hope but the high costs, medical hurdles, and side effects have dashed those hopes for many. The Price of Hope Leqembi, the Alzheimer’s drug, costs over $26,000 annually. Many insurance plans don’t…

  • Millions Lose Medicaid Post Covid

    Millions Lose Medicaid Post Covid

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines’, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant discuss how Medicaid changes are leaving many Americans uninsured post Covid and the impact it has on mental health. Medicaid Rollback: Crisis for Many Millions of Americans have lost their Medicaid coverage after pandemic protections ended. Many are left…

  • Another Study? Yes, Your Diet Really Impacts Brain Health

    Another Study? Yes, Your Diet Really Impacts Brain Health

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines”, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest MHTN Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dan Bober reminds us that a balanced diet isn’t just about physical health – it affects our mental wellbeing too. Food = Brain Fuel The study shows a direct link between the foods we eat and how our…

  • How Your Body Affects Your Stress Response

    How Your Body Affects Your Stress Response

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines,” hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu. and guest Rabbi Brandon Gaines discuss a study that highlights the powerful link between physical health and how we handle stress. Mind-Body Connection Our physical health directly influences how we perceive and respond to stress. The Power of Exercise When we feel good physically, we…

  • Upgrade Your Morning Routine: Start With Water, Not Coffee

    Upgrade Your Morning Routine: Start With Water, Not Coffee

    Feeling rushed or stressed in the morning? It can set the tone for the rest of your day. On ‘Morning Routine’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest functional nutritionist Jayne Williams discuss the importance of a healthy morning routine. The Importance of a Morning Routine A consistent morning routine sets you up for a…

  • Feeding Your Gut for Better Brain Health

    Feeding Your Gut for Better Brain Health

    On ‘Ingredients For Life’, host Patricia Wu and guest functional nutritionist Jayne Williams discuss the powerful connection between your gut and your brain. Gut Bacteria and Mental Health Your gut has a surprising influence on your mind – it’s almost like a second brain! The bacteria in your gut can affect your mood, mental clarity,…

  • Dementia Crisis: Are Millions of Americans Falling Through the Cracks?

    Dementia Crisis: Are Millions of Americans Falling Through the Cracks?

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines,” a shocking new study reveals that millions of older Americans might have undiagnosed dementia. A staggering 7.4 million people may be experiencing mild cognitive impairment, a key warning sign, without proper care. Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Jude Black discuss the implications. Don’t Dismiss Memory Lapses It’s…

  • Ditch the Processed, Embrace the Whole: Your Brain Will Thank You

    Ditch the Processed, Embrace the Whole: Your Brain Will Thank You

    In “Psychology Behind the Headlines,” hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest holistic triathlon coach Erinne Guthrie discuss the often-overlooked connection between our dietary choices and mental health. Mindful Eating for Mental Clarity It’s not just about what we eat, but also the combination in which we consume our foods. Choosing Whole Foods Over Processed…