Tag: Mindful Moment

  • Harnessing Mindfulness

    Harnessing Mindfulness

    Host Patricia Wu is joined by guest psychotherapist Eryl McCaffrey, who shares her number one strategy for maintaining mental well-being: incorporating a mindfulness practice into your daily routine. Mindfulness for Mental Well-being Discover how practicing mindfulness can enhance your emotional health and overall well-being. Practical Mindfulness Techniques Explore simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your…

  • Unplug and Recharge

    Unplug and Recharge

    On ‘Mindful Motivator Challenge,’ hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu challenge you to spend an hour before bedtime without screens. Try reading or listening to soothing music instead. Improved sleep quality The blue light emitted from screens can disrupt your sleep cycle. By avoiding screens before bed, you allow your body to naturally produce melatonin,…

  • Create a Compassionate Home with DBT Skills

    Create a Compassionate Home with DBT Skills

    On ‘What’s Trending’, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Rabbi Gaines explains Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and the power of validation can transform family relationships. What Is DBT? DBT is a mindfulness-focused therapy combining practical skills and Eastern wisdom to help you live from a calm, centered place. Validation Matters Even if you disagree…

  • Behind Morning Routines: Why Success Starts With Your Bed

    Behind Morning Routines: Why Success Starts With Your Bed

    On ‘Morning Routine’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Rabbi Gaines shares insights on the science behind morning routines. The Neuroscience of Success Simple tasks like making your bed tap into your brain’s reward system, leading to increased dopamine and a sense of accomplishment. Morning Routines for Mental Well-being A structured morning can lower…

  • Find Peace in a Chaotic World: Mindfulness for Leaders, Athletes, and You

    Find Peace in a Chaotic World: Mindfulness for Leaders, Athletes, and You

    On ‘Mental Breakthroughs,’ host Jessica Reyes and guest Lee Papa discuss the power of mindfulness, how it can benefit those in leadership, high-stress careers, and everyday life. What is Mindfulness?  Lee defines mindfulness as non-judgmental awareness of our thoughts, actions, and the world around us. It starts with self-awareness to shift our thought patterns. Meditation and Mindfulness These…

  • Slow Down and Stress Less: Author Lee Papa on Everyday Mindfulness

    Slow Down and Stress Less: Author Lee Papa on Everyday Mindfulness

    On ‘Page Inspiration,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Lee Papa discuss why embracing mindfulness is more important than ever. Stress is Optional We often think stress is inevitable, but Lee emphasizes that we have a choice every day about how we react and respond to the world around us. Start with an Affirmation Lee…

  • Open Your Mind, Expand Your Life

    Open Your Mind, Expand Your Life

    Frank Zappa, the legendary musician, once said, “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” This statement carries powerful lessons about how we approach the world. Embrace New Ideas An open mind allows us to consider possibilities beyond our existing beliefs. It’s the key to learning, growth, and innovation. Overcome…

  • Check Your Thoughts: A Tool for Emotional Balance

    Check Your Thoughts: A Tool for Emotional Balance

    On ‘Wellness Tool box’, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Ryan Heapy discuss about a simple technique when a distressing thought enters your mind. Identify & Rate Your Emotion Notice the emotion you’re feeling (anger, sadness, etc.) and how strong it is on a scale of 1-10. Challenge Your Thoughts Ask yourself whether…

  • Don’t Worry, Be Present: Finding Joy in the Now

    Don’t Worry, Be Present: Finding Joy in the Now

    Struggling to stay present? Eckhart Tolle’s book, “The Power of Now,” offers a roadmap to peace in the present moment. On ‘Page Inspiration’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest expert life coach with a master’s of counseling Alisa Harp discuss ways to apply the book’s wisdom for a happier, more mindful life. Ground Yourself…

  • Finding Spiritual Connection and Guidance

    Finding Spiritual Connection and Guidance

    In ‘Page Inspiration’, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Rabbi Brandon Gaines discuss the meaning behind a powerful quote from the Book of Proverbs: “In all of your ways, know him.” Mindfulness in the Everyday Spiritual connection isn’t confined to specific moments; it’s about applying your guiding principles consistently throughout your life. Beyond Intellectual…