Tag: Mindset

  • Meditation for Everyone: Simple Techniques for a Peaceful Mind

    Meditation for Everyone: Simple Techniques for a Peaceful Mind

    On ‘Mental Breakthroughs,’ host Patricia Wu and guest Lee Papa, Mindfulness & Meditation Speaker and Trainer, guides us through the art of meditation. What is Meditation? Lee Papa debunks common myths and shows how meditation can easily fit into your daily routine. Benefits of Meditation and How to Get Started Discover the profound impact of…

  • Neuroscience Says: Reading Fiction Makes You Smarter

    Neuroscience Says: Reading Fiction Makes You Smarter

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines”, hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Rabbi Gaines we dive into new research suggesting that reading fiction improves your thinking skills and even your empathy. Fiction = Brain Benefits A major study found that reading fiction boosts cognitive skills, including problem-solving and understanding others. Reading Builds Flexible Thinking Fiction…

  • Behind Morning Routines: Why Success Starts With Your Bed

    Behind Morning Routines: Why Success Starts With Your Bed

    On ‘Morning Routine’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Rabbi Gaines shares insights on the science behind morning routines. The Neuroscience of Success Simple tasks like making your bed tap into your brain’s reward system, leading to increased dopamine and a sense of accomplishment. Morning Routines for Mental Well-being A structured morning can lower…

  • Become an Architect of Your Reality

    Become an Architect of Your Reality

    Have you ever felt like the universe was working against you? Amit Ray offers a different perspective – suggesting that your inner world shapes your outer experience. His quote invites us to harness the power of meditation, visualization, and deliberate creation to shape our own realities. Meditation Quiets the Mind Meditation allows us to calm…

  • Open Your Mind, Expand Your Life

    Open Your Mind, Expand Your Life

    Frank Zappa, the legendary musician, once said, “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it isn’t open.” This statement carries powerful lessons about how we approach the world. Embrace New Ideas An open mind allows us to consider possibilities beyond our existing beliefs. It’s the key to learning, growth, and innovation. Overcome…

  • Make Changes, Not “Sacrifices”

    Make Changes, Not “Sacrifices”

    On ‘What’s Trending,’ host Patricia Wu and guest president of Point.Shift, Lauren Jeffery, discuss a new approach to achieving change. Focus on the Positive Instead of seeing changes as sacrifices, view them as steps toward a healthier, happier life. Acknowledge Your Choices There will be trade-offs involved in reaching goals, but recognizing these as choices empowers…

  • Give Yourself a Break and Accept Negative Emotions

    Give Yourself a Break and Accept Negative Emotions

    On ‘What’s Trending’, hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest therapist Ryan Heapy discuss the benefits of pessimism. Negative emotions are normal Accepting these feelings as part of life can reduce internal conflict and promote better mental health. Balance is key A healthy mindset involves both optimism AND realism, avoiding being overly negative or unrealistically…

  • How to Process Difficult Emotions (Mindfulness Tips)

    How to Process Difficult Emotions (Mindfulness Tips)

    Sometimes emotions like anger, anxiety, or sadness can feel overwhelming.On ‘Mental Breakthroughs’, host Jessica Reyes and guest Psychotherapist and Certified Yoga Teacher Eryl McCaffrey discuss why it’s so important to experience our feelings fully, rather than pushing them away. The difference between “good” and “bad” emotions We’re often taught some feelings are okay, while others aren’t,…

  • Finding Spiritual Connection and Guidance

    Finding Spiritual Connection and Guidance

    In ‘Page Inspiration’, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Rabbi Brandon Gaines discuss the meaning behind a powerful quote from the Book of Proverbs: “In all of your ways, know him.” Mindfulness in the Everyday Spiritual connection isn’t confined to specific moments; it’s about applying your guiding principles consistently throughout your life. Beyond Intellectual…

  • Lizzo Is Quitting After Facing Online Harassment

    Lizzo Is Quitting After Facing Online Harassment

    Popstar Lizzo recently announced she’s “quitting” due to the relentless criticism she receives on social media. This news comes amid controversies of her own, as former dancers have accused her of creating a toxic workplace. On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines’, hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes and guest therapist Ryan Heapy discuss on the impact of…