Tag: Motivation

  • Ditch the Solo Sweat Sesh: Why a Workout Buddy Boosts Your Gains

    Ditch the Solo Sweat Sesh: Why a Workout Buddy Boosts Your Gains

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest life coach with a master’s of counseling Alisa Harp discuss how the buddy system combats feelings of shame and creates a sense of camaraderie that makes exercise more enjoyable. The Buddy System Works Research shows exercising with a friend significantly increases gym attendance.…

  • Vision Boards: Do They Really Work?

    Vision Boards: Do They Really Work?

    Hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu are challenging you to create a vision board this week. These visual collections of goals and dreams can actually help you achieve your desires. Visualization and the Brain Our brains react powerfully to images. Visualizing our goals activates neural pathways, making them feel more attainable. Motivation Boost Seeing a…

  • Light Up Your Path: How Vivid Dreams Can Guide You

    Light Up Your Path: How Vivid Dreams Can Guide You

    Ever wondered if your dreams hold hidden messages or clues about your future? Many believe that clear visualization can be a powerful tool for achieving your goals. This quote by Gail Lynn Goodwin suggests that the more vividly you imagine your dreams, the more clarity you’ll have to pursue them. Sharpen Your Focus Vivid dreams…

  • Your Goals, Your Time: It’s Never Too Late

    Your Goals, Your Time: It’s Never Too Late

    On ‘My Journal Prompt’, hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes and guest psychotherapist and grief counselor Gabrielle Ferguson gives advice on goal setting and overcoming obstacles, no matter your age or situation. It’s never too late to pursue your dreams Don’t let age or past circumstances hold you back. Break down big goals Focus on taking…

  • Never Give Up: Top 5 Reasons to Keep Going

    Never Give Up: Top 5 Reasons to Keep Going

    Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss about the importance of perseverance. Dr. Cortina shares her personal story of overcoming challenges and the top 5 things that keep her motivated to push through the tough times. Find your Purpose Identifying your reason for being can be a powerful source of motivation…

  • Embracing Life’s Lessons: Finding Strength in Overcoming Pain

    Embracing Life’s Lessons: Finding Strength in Overcoming Pain

    In the journey of life, each experience, whether joyous or painful, carves out a part of who we are and who we become. The wisdom of Shannon L. Alder brings this to light in her profound quote: “Never Forget What it Taught, But Forget about What it Hurts.” In this article, we’ll explore the depth…

  • Feeling Burnt Out? Find the Balance Between Work and Personal Life

    Feeling Burnt Out? Find the Balance Between Work and Personal Life

    Welcome to ‘Mental Breakthrough’, where we explore the intricacies of mental health and offer insights into achieving wellness. In this must-watch segment, we’re joined by therapist Jenna Watson, together with our hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu. They tackle the critical issue of professional burnout, a growing concern in today’s workforce. Tune in to gain…

  • Enrich Your Life with Wonder and New Challenges

    Enrich Your Life with Wonder and New Challenges

    What if we saw every day as a chance to grow and learn? Nate Berkus tells us that being curious and eager to discover can really change our lives. Let’s explore what his words mean and see how we can use them to make our lives better, starting a path of constant growth and improvement.…

  • Feeling Stuck in the Same Old Routine?

    Feeling Stuck in the Same Old Routine?

    Join hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Dan Bober as they delve into the power of making small changes to break the routine. Discover the joy of trying something new to become more present, the growth found outside comfort zones, and the cognitive benefits of learning as we age. Dive into these insights…

  • Find the Peace Within the Storm

    Find the Peace Within the Storm

    Amid the whirlwind of life’s relentless challenges, a profound truth awaits discovery. Within the chaos lies a hidden reservoir of strength and serenity. Here are a few tips on how to find that inner peace within a storm. Harness the Power Within Just as the ocean’s depths remain untouched by the chaos above, your inner…