Tag: Personal Struggles

  • Debate: Psychotic Break or Criminal Intent? The Tesla Cliff Case

    Debate: Psychotic Break or Criminal Intent? The Tesla Cliff Case

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines’, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Ryan Heapy discuss about a case where a California man is accused of driving his family off a cliff in a Tesla. What is a Psychotic Break? Psychotic break is a state where someone loses touch with reality. Symptoms like delusions and…

  • Sharon Stone: From Pain to Power – Mental Health & Authenticity

    Sharon Stone: From Pain to Power – Mental Health & Authenticity

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Olivia Atkins discuss how actress Sharon Stone opens up about her mental health struggles and how she found purpose through advocacy, inspiring others to overcome their own challenges. Real Talk vs. Highlight Reels Social media often presents a filtered version of reality, making…

  • Einstein on Wisdom: It’s Not About School, It’s About the Journey

    Einstein on Wisdom: It’s Not About School, It’s About the Journey

    True wisdom isn’t something earned through a degree. Albert Einstein reminds us that gaining wisdom is a journey, not a destination. Learning is a Lifelong Pursuit Wisdom doesn’t happen overnight, it’s cultivated through a continuous desire to learn and understand the world around us. Curiosity is Key True wisdom comes from asking questions, exploring new…

  • Give Yourself a Break and Be Gentle

    Give Yourself a Break and Be Gentle

    On ‘Mental Breakthroughs’, host Jessica Reyes and guest therapist Dr. Danica Harris discuss how gentleness can be a powerful tool for healing and personal growth. Perfectionism is a trap. The endless pursuit of an impossible ideal only leads to disappointment and erodes our sense of self-worth. Gentleness builds true resilience. Self-compassion allows us to embrace…

  • Betrayal and Bankruptcy: Can Our Marriage Survive His Gambling Problem?

    Betrayal and Bankruptcy: Can Our Marriage Survive His Gambling Problem?

    A viewers husband’s gambling addiction has left them financially devastated. He’s getting help now, but she’s struggling to trust him again and is overwhelmed by the fallout. On ‘Life Quakes,’ host Patricia Wu and guest president of Point.Shift, Lauren Jeffery, offers advice on how to cope with the aftermath of a partner’s addiction and discusses whether…

  • Lessons from the Garden: Patience, Industry, and Trust

    Lessons from the Garden: Patience, Industry, and Trust

    Gertrude Jekyll understood the garden as a profound teacher. Her words speak to the transformative lessons we can learn by tending to the earth. Patience Gardening cultivates patience. Plants grow on their own timeline, teaching us to wait, anticipate, and appreciate gradual progress. Industry & Thrift A successful garden requires consistent effort and resourcefulness –…

  • From Little Things, Big Things Grow: Nature’s Lessons

    From Little Things, Big Things Grow: Nature’s Lessons

    In the words of Loudon, “In the planting of the seeds of most trees, the best gardeners do no more than follow Nature, though they may not know it.” This quote offers timeless wisdom about finding success and fulfillment in life. Respect the Natural Process Growth and development take time and follow specific patterns. Trying…

  • Why Birthdays Can Be Stressful – and How to Make Them Meaningful

    Why Birthdays Can Be Stressful – and How to Make Them Meaningful

    On ‘Mental Breakthroughs’, host Jessica Reyes and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss why birthdays can trigger sadness, anxiety, or even disappointment. It’s Not Just About Aging Birthdays can bring up complex emotions, including anxieties about goals, loneliness, or societal expectations. Social Media Pressure It’s easy to compare your life to the picture-perfect celebrations online, making…

  • Help! I’m a Doppelganger for Someone I Despise…

    Help! I’m a Doppelganger for Someone I Despise…

    On ‘Life Quakes’, someone’s life has been turned upside down just because they look like someone else – in this case, a controversial celebrity. It’s causing problems, negativity, and unwanted attention. Hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant offers tips. Mistaken Identity Can Wreak Havoc Being mistaken for a controversial celebrity…

  • The Beauty in Struggles

    The Beauty in Struggles

    Sigmund Freud once said, “You will look back and realize that the times you struggled were in truth the most beautiful.” On “Behind the Quote”, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Rabbi Brandon Gaines discuss the power of perspective during tough times. Struggle is Part of Growth Rabbi Gaines compares struggle to the birthing…