Tag: Self-care

  • The Secret to Productivity? It Might Be Rest

    The Secret to Productivity? It Might Be Rest

    Our culture often glorifies overwork and productivity. While setting goals and striving for achievement is valuable, Akiroq Brost’s quote highlights an often overlooked truth: rest is equally crucial for overall well-being and success. Rest is Not Laziness Planning for breaks and self-care combats the misconception that equates rest with unproductivity. Sustainable Success Prioritizing rest allows…

  • Finding Peace in the Everyday With A Single Breath

    Finding Peace in the Everyday With A Single Breath

    In the rush of daily life, it’s easy to overlook the power of small moments of stillness. Etty Hillesum, a young Jewish woman who wrote insightful diaries during the Holocaust, reminds us: “Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two breaths.” The Power of Presence Hillesum’s quote…

  • The Power of Positive Affirmations

    The Power of Positive Affirmations

    Do you ever find yourself caught in a cycle of negative thoughts? It can be hard to break free and shift into a more positive mindset. On today’s ‘Mindful Motivator Challenge,’ hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu discuss the power of positive affirmations – those little phrases that we repeat to ourselves to change our…

  • Should I Give My First Love Another Chance?

    Should I Give My First Love Another Chance?

    A viewer had her first broken heart years ago. Her lover has come back into her life claiming they’ve changed and want to make things right. She’s torn between giving them a second chance. On “Life Quakes,” host Patricia Wu and guest psychotherapist Deanna Dellia offers advice about navigating this emotional rollercoaster. Take Time for…

  • Finding Contentment: Be Enough

    Finding Contentment: Be Enough

    We all struggle with self-doubt sometimes. We compare ourselves to others and feel like we’re falling short. But what if the secret to happiness isn’t about getting more, but about changing our mindset? Ellen Sue Stern offers a refreshing perspective on finding fulfillment. Love Yourself It’s important to accept yourself completely – the good and…

  • Challenge: Can You Go for a Walk Without Your Phone?

    Challenge: Can You Go for a Walk Without Your Phone?

    Ready to ditch the digital distraction and reconnect with yourself? On today’s ‘Mindful Motivator Challenge’, host Patricia Wu encourages you to go for a walk and leave your phone behind. Can you do it? Enhanced Mindfulness Without your phone, you’ll be more present in the moment, noticing the sights, sounds, and sensations around you. Improved…

  • Is Your Phone Stealing Your Soul?

    Is Your Phone Stealing Your Soul?

    In a world overflowing with ways to connect, it’s ironic that many of us feel increasingly disconnected. The quote, “The more ways we have to connect, the more many of us seem desperate to unplug,” highlights a modern-day paradox. Why does hyperconnectivity leave us craving solitude? Digital Overload Constant notifications and social media feeds can…

  • Step Away from the Screen, Unplug into Self-Discovery

    Step Away from the Screen, Unplug into Self-Discovery

    In our fast-paced, digital world, it’s easy to lose touch with ourselves. Matthew McConaughey’s quote, “Unplugging is not about running away from the world, but giving yourself a chance to run into yourself,” reminds us of the value of intentional disconnection. Self-Discovery When we unplug from distractions, we create space for introspection. We can rediscover…

  • Betrayal and Bankruptcy: Can Our Marriage Survive His Gambling Problem?

    Betrayal and Bankruptcy: Can Our Marriage Survive His Gambling Problem?

    A viewers husband’s gambling addiction has left them financially devastated. He’s getting help now, but she’s struggling to trust him again and is overwhelmed by the fallout. On ‘Life Quakes,’ host Patricia Wu and guest president of Point.Shift, Lauren Jeffery, offers advice on how to cope with the aftermath of a partner’s addiction and discusses whether…

  • Make Changes, Not “Sacrifices”

    Make Changes, Not “Sacrifices”

    On ‘What’s Trending,’ host Patricia Wu and guest president of Point.Shift, Lauren Jeffery, discuss a new approach to achieving change. Focus on the Positive Instead of seeing changes as sacrifices, view them as steps toward a healthier, happier life. Acknowledge Your Choices There will be trade-offs involved in reaching goals, but recognizing these as choices empowers…