Tag: Video

  • The Staggering Cost of Mental Health Inequity in the US: A Call to Action

    The Staggering Cost of Mental Health Inequity in the US: A Call to Action

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines”, host Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest founder of CYA consulting Dan Goodwin discuss the financial impact of mental health disparities in the United States. Unequal Access to Mental Health Care The high cost of mental health inequities highlights the lack of accessible and affordable mental healthcare for marginalized communities. Economic…

  • 17-Year-Old Earns Doctorate Degree: A Testament to Curiosity and Passion

    17-Year-Old Earns Doctorate Degree: A Testament to Curiosity and Passion

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest founder of CYA consulting Dan Goodwin celebrate the incredible achievement of Dorothy Gene Tillman, a 17-year-old from Chicago who recently earned her doctorate in integrated behavioral health. Endless Curiosity as a Driving Force Tillman’s passion for learning and insatiable curiosity played a crucial role…

  • Kevin Spacey’s Potential Hollywood Comeback

    Kevin Spacey’s Potential Hollywood Comeback

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines”, guest holistic therapist Charlotte Lewis discusses the complex issue of Kevin Spacey’s potential return to Hollywood after seven years of exile following sexual assault allegations. Rebuilding Trust Lewis emphasizes that trust has been broken between Kevin Spacey and the public, and that his return to Hollywood is ultimately not up…

  • Are Facebook and Instagram Addictive for Children? European Union Investigates

    Are Facebook and Instagram Addictive for Children? European Union Investigates

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest holistic therapist Charlotte Lewis discuss the European Union’s investigation into the safety of Facebook and Instagram for children. EU Investigation The European Union is scrutinizing Facebook and Instagram’s safety for children, particularly focusing on age verification and content recommendations. Addictive Design Lewis explains how these…

  • Prison Labor: Unveiling the Dangerous and Exploitative Reality

    Prison Labor: Unveiling the Dangerous and Exploitative Reality

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest therapist Ryan Heapy discusses a new AP investigation revealing the dangerous and exploitative conditions of prison labor in the United States. Modern Day Slavery Heapy argues that prison labor, as it currently exists, is a form of modern-day slavery, with the 13th Amendment…

  • 10-Year-Old’s Tragic Suicide After Bullying: A Call for School Accountability

    10-Year-Old’s Tragic Suicide After Bullying: A Call for School Accountability

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Ryan Heapy address the heartbreaking story of Sammy Teys, a 10-year-old boy who tragically took his own life after experiencing relentless bullying at school. Bullying’s Devastating Impact The tragic suicide of a young boy highlights the severe consequences of bullying on children’s…

  • AI in Medicine: Friend or Foe?

    AI in Medicine: Friend or Foe?

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest therapist Ryan Heapy discusses the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, particularly in radiology. The Rise of AI in Radiology AI is revolutionizing radiology by assisting doctors in interpreting medical scans and providing diagnoses. While this technology holds great promise, questions…

  • Bumble Stumbles: Dating App’s Ad Campaign Sparks Backlash and Debate

    Bumble Stumbles: Dating App’s Ad Campaign Sparks Backlash and Debate

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines”, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Ryan Heapy discuss the recent backlash against dating app Bumble’s new ad campaign that appeared to mock celibacy. Corporate Messaging and Sensitivity Bumble, known for empowering women in the dating scene, faced heightened scrutiny due to their messaging choices. The ad campaign’s…

  • Nebraska’s Mental Health Practices: A Call for Compassion and Community-Centered Care

    Nebraska’s Mental Health Practices: A Call for Compassion and Community-Centered Care

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Wellness & Stress Management Educator Jackie DeLise discuss a critical issue facing Nebraska: the federal call to action over their mental health practices. Rethinking Institutionalization Explore the federal call to action regarding Nebraska’s mental health practices and the potential shift towards community-centered care.…

  • Aging Gracefully: Shifting Your Mindset for a Positive Experience

    Aging Gracefully: Shifting Your Mindset for a Positive Experience

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes , Patricia Wu, and guest Wellness & Stress Management Educator Jackie DeLise  challenges us to rethink our perceptions of growing old and offers practical strategies for embracing this natural process with grace and positivity. The Power of Words Words have a profound impact on our well-being. Learn…