Tag: Workplace Mental Health

  •  Retired and Feeling Lost? How Do I Find Purpose Again?

     Retired and Feeling Lost? How Do I Find Purpose Again?

    On “Life Quakes,” host Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu hears from a viewer that was excited about retirement for years, but now it’s here, he feels aimless, anxious, and unsure of what comes next. Guest Dr. Jude Black offers some advice on navigating this change. Take a breath and celebrate You’ve worked hard, and you deserve…

  • Steps To Enhance Your Next Career Move

    Steps To Enhance Your Next Career Move

    On “Mental Breakthroughs,’ host Jessica Reyes and guest Olivia Atkin discuss overcoming obstacles and steps for career growth, drawing from her diverse expertise. Success Navigation Olivia shares insights on defining and achieving success in personal and professional life. Overcoming Barriers Identifying and tackling self-imposed barriers like fear and insecurity lead to progress. Career Enhancement Tips…

  • I Got Promoted…Now I Feel Lost. How Do I Build Confidence?

    I Got Promoted…Now I Feel Lost. How Do I Build Confidence?

    On “Life Quakes,” a viewer has been promoted into a management role after a company restructure. She’s used to being tech-focused and now feels unsure about her leadership abilities. Imposter syndrome is hitting her hard! How can she build confidence and succeed in this new position? Hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and guest Olivia Atkin…

  • Starting Over in a New City, New Job. Any Tips?

    Starting Over in a New City, New Job. Any Tips?

    On ‘Life Quakes’, a viewer just got a big promotion, but it means moving to a city where he knows no one. It’s a mix of excitement and nerves – the opportunity is amazing, but starting over feels so overwhelming. Hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Olivia Atkin has practical advice. Find Your Community…

  • Stop Eating at Your Desk! Protect Your Productivity

    Stop Eating at Your Desk! Protect Your Productivity

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines”, hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss why taking proper breaks is essential for mental well-being and work performance. Breaks Reset Your Brain Stepping away from work gives your brain a much-needed pause, improving concentration and productivity when you return. Self-Care Prevents Burnout Skipping breaks leads…

  • New Protections for Pregnant Workers: What You Need to Know

    New Protections for Pregnant Workers: What You Need to Know

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines,” hosts Patricia Wu and Jessica Reyes discuss the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Pregnant workers now have clearer rights to accommodations similar to those with disabilities. How to Request Accommodations Inform you employer, provide medical documentation, know your rights, and more. Beyond the Law: Why Workplace Culture…

  • Your Job Might Be Killing You Quicker

    Your Job Might Be Killing You Quicker

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant discuss a long-term study showing troubling links between late-night work, poor sleep, and health problems down the road. The Risks of Late Night Work A new study finds that young adults who frequently work late or overnight shifts could…

  • Are You Tired of the Hustle? Why More People Are Leaving the U.S.

    Are You Tired of the Hustle? Why More People Are Leaving the U.S.

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss how more people are ditching the American Dream for a simpler, cheaper life abroad. Burnout Nation The constant pressure to achieve in the U.S. takes a toll on our mental health. There is a link between “hustle culture” and…

  • Adult Gap Years: Recharging After Burnout

    Adult Gap Years: Recharging After Burnout

    On “Psychology Behind the Headlines”, hosts Patricia Wu, Jessica Reyes, and MHTN Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dan Bober discuss the benefits of the new trend of taking an extended break from the daily grind Pandemic as Catalyst  The pandemic forced many to pause. This experience may be fueling a desire for longer, intentional breaks. Challenging…

  • Menopause in the Workplace: Why Women Are Leaving Their Jobs

    Menopause in the Workplace: Why Women Are Leaving Their Jobs

    On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Patricia Wu , Jessica Reyes, and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss a recent survey that reveals that a shocking number of women are considering leaving their jobs due to the challenges of managing menopausal symptoms. Menopause: More Than Just Hot Flashes Dr. Peters explains that menopause isn’t just about…