Taylor Swift’s Breakup Cure: Music & the 5 Stages of Grief

Inspired by the 5 stages of grief, Swift created custom playlists to guide listeners through the emotional rollercoaster of heartbreak. On “Psychology Behind the Headlines,” hosts Jessica Reye, Patricia Wu, and guest Dr. Cortina Peters discuss why music is such a powerful tool for processing love and loss.

Music as Therapy

Music connects with our emotions, providing comfort and validation during difficult times. Whether you’re feeling angry, sad, or ready to move on, there’s always a song that reflects your experience.

The 5 Stages of Grief

Taylor Swift uses her playlists to explore the 5 stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Understanding these stages can help normalize the healing process after any kind of loss.

Grief Beyond Death

While often associated with death, the 5 stages of grief apply to any significant loss, including heartbreak, job loss, or major life transitions.


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