
Vision Boards: Do They Really Work?

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Hosts Jessica Reyes and Patricia Wu are challenging you to create a vision board this week. These visual collections of goals and dreams can actually help you achieve your desires.

Visualization and the Brain

Our brains react powerfully to images. Visualizing our goals activates neural pathways, making them feel more attainable.

Motivation Boost

Seeing a visual representation of your goals can be incredibly inspiring, sparking motivation and action toward achieving them.

Tips for Success

Start with a small vision board and focus on a few key goals. Get specific about what you want to achieve and why.

Editorial Team
Editorial Team
At the heart of MHTN - America's pioneering 24/7 Mental Health TV Network - is our editorial team, a dynamic group of professionals united by a shared commitment to transforming the conversation around mental health. Our team is composed of seasoned journalists, mental health experts, researchers, and storytellers, each bringing a wealth of experience and a passion for advocacy.


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