VR Meets Hypnosis: A New Way to Fight Student Stress and Anxiety

St. George’s University of London is pioneering an exciting solution: VR-based hypnosis sessions to combat anxiety and stress. On ‘Psychology Behind the Headlines,’ hosts Jessica Reyes, Patricia Wu, and guest therapist Joann ‘JoJo’ Venant discuss why this combo could be beneficial to mental health for students.

Tech Meets Therapy

VR helps create calming, immersive environments, making hypnosis more effective. Students reported feeling more relaxed and emotionally stable after sessions.

Generation-Friendly Care

Today’s students are incredibly tech-savvy. VR-based therapy feels familiar and comfortable, making it more likely they’ll seek help when they need it.

Accessibility is Key

VR headsets are increasingly affordable. This technology could make mental health support more accessible on campuses, improving the lives of countless students.


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